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C'ran is now done and I'm currently working on a HTML5 port. I'm looking to have it out tomorrow! That's pretty much it - it's a small-ish animation and there's no sex or birth per the commissioner's request, but should that change I'll let you all know!

Yor Update

I've received the drawings for Yor so now it's time to start on the project for real! You can expect a wip within the coming days.

This animation is getting real huge (and costly) to make so I really hope you guys are looking forward to it!

Here's a teaser of what I've asked Luna to draw:

(Ignore my child-like handwriting, I literally cannot write anymore LOL)

Okay but Sqwarky, what happened to the Akagi-

Shshshhhhh..... She's comin'...
I have big plans for her but I want to do Yor and strike the iron while it's hot. I also have two other projects in front of hers that I need to get done ASAP. A Pokemon dungeon crawler and... STOCKING.

Yes! I'm remastering my Stocking animation, with art done by Lunarpix!

She'll also be voiced too, as I found someone to do some voices. They wish to remain anonymous, but have given me permission to use their voice in the animation.

So that's everything! Sorry for my silence the last couple of days, I've been super busy irl and i've finally got a chance to rest. I also hurt my arm and my back from practicing in my old band again which has slowed stuff but I'm recovering! 

See you all next update!



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