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I know I haven't finished my animations yet, and I still have nothing to show, but money is getting increasingly and more worryingly tight and I feel as if having the monthly monetary goals to spur my movement every month is probably a better motivator. 

So here's the plan

A lot of you may feel hurt or cheated with me doing this so I will over my best solution for now. While I continue to work on these animations, I will offer ALL of my Deckhand or higher patrons a free request.
These will be called my Recovery Requests and it's what I'll give you to get back into the swing of things. You'll all get one so don't worry about thinking of ideas right away.

Of course, these requests fall into line with my basic commission rules but I'll make a separate post about that which you can read here:

[ Recovery Request Post ] 

"But Sqwarky, why should we trust you? You've been flakey at best for the last year. What makes this different? You're always late now"

Well, you handsome Patron you, I know I've made missteps or missed goals, failed to offer rewards, ect and honestly I don't know what to tell you. If you don't want to support I can understand. You're free to leave and I won't blame you.

However, what I can offer is art. Starting some time in August I will be changing how I charge people and my prices, but for now I will instead be offering requests as an apology, and I intend to draw everyone something. 

If you're only here for an update, you can leave now. Thank you all for reading and I apologize for taking so long.

Let me give you some insight into how my burnout happened.
What happened mainly was actually that I just... stopped finding animation fun. I got so burnt out that I just felt physically sick whenever I went to animate. I lost sleep due to projects I had lingering over my head, people I've let down, and worrying I'm no where near as good as my peers, and I felt so physically and mentally exhausted that I just crashed mentally. 

Since then, just animating has been near impossible. My eyes flutter whenever I stare at a screen too long, I feel sick and tired, and I feel as if I'm going to be sick if I continue to animate.
Thankfully these symptoms have started to get much better. I no longer feel sick whenever I animate but i do feel increasingly tired. However it's slow progress.

Imagine just one day waking up and finding out you hate something you just the night before loved dearly. I had fallen out of love with animating and it scared me. That combined with my peers asking me about my old drawing method really fucked with me mentally and I tried to recover but it was hard.

Either way, I'm trying to recover now. I'll post more to do with how I plan to tackle this burnout later on in July but for now just know I'm recovering and I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. 


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