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Weekly webinar #98: The Different Moralities of Men and Women



Can you see Russia from your house? 🤣


M- masculine


That really explains why I am so uneasy with the companies I am working for. I have the sense that if any hiccups happen, I or other members can be easily fired. The company doesn't provide collective security and I feel very uneasy pretending to be loyal.


I wonder what this all implies for the so-called “naturalistic fallacy” and the is-ought problem?


The Double-Blind Dictator Game is even darker than that gender test: the proposer almost always keeps EVERYTHING for themselves.


Women will never be satisfied with any amount of collective security: they always want more! 😭


I'm still waiting on what you have to say about the debacle that's going on in Russia and the Ukraine crisis.


M 44 masculine 56 feminine interesting honestly I thought I would score differently (MMA Fights are my hobby)


In case you are curious, the Lebanese government froze all of the bank accounts in the country and have not unfreeze them since: 1. Of course, if you feel like you need that money to survive then the government will let you have it for 17 cents on the dollar. 2. The politically connected seem to have no trouble getting all of their money back by the way. BTW, I am egalitarian (distribute equally unless there is a reason such as performance says otherwise). I am a man and tested 100% feminine.


Does your analysis imply that men fundamentally have no usefulness to the collective security, even more-so, most men are a potential liability to the system? Does this mean the whole purpose of being a man is rendered obsolete? This is absolutely revolutionary Are we men in the western democracies, destined to become an amusement for women in the future? Wait, aren’t we so now??? I can picture it. We will become their little toys or sexual dildos. Those of us who are hot at least lolol. Now that I think about it, feminism and wokeism makes complete sense. It is the natural consequence of the current state of affairs. Wait, so is this all the LGBT agenda a way to find a place for all these men whose existence is worthless (not hot or millionaire) and can’t fit anywhere else? If men have no purpose, we have to get rid of the gender concept. Holy shit. I think I cracked it all too. If you think about it, all your advice regarding leaving the west boils down to this: Most men are a liability in the western democracies. Either leave, become a tranny or keep watching as they make life even more miserable for you. Because they want to get rid of you. Make no mistake


Recalling CRP warning - Move Now! HIS comments about belonging to a tribe is a big factor in why I am NOT leaving. A little too old & settled to learn a new language and join a new community. Sure, IF I had a family member as a guide running interference and making introductions, more doable.


“. . Most men are a liability in the western democracies.” Need to disagree with you on this point. ! White Guys Creat Modern Civilization ! Without W.G.s: Your civilization slides back to the Stone Age, like Haiti. (My CRP Laugh). ~. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Yes, you’re going to miss us when we’re gone.


G, shouldn't you be doing a video with all that's going on?


i like you making non-fiction books.


i started reading with a book on physics. for children. but i like non-fiction better. it teaches the rulesets that are quantifiable.


the equity was if no other info was given. if someone has done more, he deserves more.


well... as a neet, i seem to be more dependent on my social surroundings; i will check on my behaviour. makes me wonder... test resulted in female response.


there is no absolute morality. there is good for you and bad for you.


the sheep let animals die, occasionally. feeding these lambs leads only to weak grown animals. not recommended


the book "ethics" i love to read it