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Here's the link to join today's broadcast, “So What Should I Do Next?”:


A rather selfish broadcast, I’ll be discussing the different things I’m doing—online and off—and ask for advise and commentary on what I’ll be doing next. 

The point of this broadcast—for me—is to figure out where to go and what to do. The point of this broadcast—for you—is to see how someone systematically outlines their situation, and arrives at a course of action in an orderly, dispassionate way.

Talk you at 11am EST. 



Weekly Webinar #96: So What Should I Do Next?



I really enjoy the collaborations with The Duran.


Coach, what about guest feature on Bannon's War Room? Not sure if you watch/like the program but it has massive reach. Not all guests have to support Trump.


I have an idea. Why don't we all come together to fund the coach to come to various locations in the world and have a meet up each event will last a full day? Drinks, Dinner, collaboration, etc..


That is a great idea Scott, when possible avoiding big cities in Ukraine, as all the fun is in small cities.


GL, I thought it was an excellent Webinar. I know you did it for your interests, but it actually helped me and gave me insight to figure out what are the next moves I should make that are practical and realistic. Yes, I think we should put together a war chest for those of us who want to meet somewhere around the world if GL is down with it. Please let us know brotha. I’m in.


smash your assistant, tell us how goes!


1:20:15 Most people in the west are far too cowardly and deferential to lead. Agreed, at this point leadership seems pointless since most won't listen anyway.


Coach, I’ve given it a lot of thought since I attended the webinar. Please don’t dumb down your content to attract women. As you know women are emotional creatures and men are logical and intellectual. Women have enough places to go for their emotional bullshit. We need you to provide thoughtful content for men. If the rare woman wants to join, fine, but you can’t be all things for all people.


This webinar was great. It showed us the methodology you use to eliminate options and gain clarity


Did CRP make a small faux pas? Uneasiness with Expat life in a far off city soon to be part of Russia. Moving to a sunny warn land, living and working near the sea is high on my Want list. But learning a new culture and language is something I am no longer sure I can do. I did the European living and travel years ago when ‘things’ were easy and inexpensive. Admire and envy expats today. Perhaps ‘world wonderers’ is a better description?


Respectfully, it's a matter of priorities. If learning a new language and culture was important enough to you, you'd do it. It's a matter of being uncomfortable for a period of adjustment or being uncomfortable in the USA. I left and thank God for it.


Regarding feeling like a visitor, why not learn the language? I'm sure you could find a good tutor for not very much.


It would have been a gargantuan task to top the last webinar "Putin's Mind". I think you made a great call with this stream being laid back and reflective.


Certain videos for each platform people will do the egg hunt


This was a good webinar