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Update 2022.01.05 (3:39pm EET): Okay, so I set up a dedicated Rumble channel, and just finished uploading the full recording, courtesy of Madis (thank. you, Madis!)—here is the link:


The video is still processing, so be patient and give it some time. 

I want to thank Madis most especially, as he had a pristine copy of the Webinar, and he was so kind in making it available to all.

I’m so sorry for this snafu—it certainly wasn't my intention. Moving forward, I’ll see what options exist to host my Patreon content in the future. CRP

Update 2022.01.3 (6:43pm EET): Patreon username Spur33 downloaded the full video. Because I’m in Ukraine, I cannot download it, but here is the link:


Please confirm that it's the full recording, and if the sound and image quality are up to snuff. If so, I’ll arrange to have it downloaded and hosted elsewhere, and posted here.

Thank you Spur33! CRP

Update 2022.01.03 (5:02pm EET): So I checked my YouTube channel—apparently I was guilty of spreading “medical misinformation”. Since the main topic of the broadcast was obviously not medical, I presume someone flagged the video. The only people who could see the video and flag it are Patreon subscribers. Those are the facts.

Unfortunately, I did not back up a recording of this broadcast. So in the comments section, tell me what you think I should do in this situation. CRP

Edit 2022.01.03 (10:49am EET): I just discovered (h/t Dan T.) that this video has been taken down by YouTube. The only reason I can think of is because someone flagged it. There was nothing in the live stream that was controversial in any way. I am away from my computer, and won’t be in my office for a few hours. But as soon as I am, I’ll try to find out what’s happened, if it can be fixed, and give you an update later in the day. CRP

Full recording. 


(No title)



Indeed the point of all this. To know ourselves, know the world, know what to expect, and get the best of it.


What will happen to Israel?


BTW, Biden like Trump also believes in building Walls with Federal government money. Want proof? Just look at the wall Poopy Pants Joey had built with Fed money around his house.


I personally project a China U.S. war starting on August 8th of some year. Why that date? Chinese believe the number 8 is very lucky. Remember the last Chinese Olympics? It started on 8-8-8! As for the year, I think it will be in 2030. I don't the space here to explain why 2030 but I agree a war is coming. BTW, 8-8-2030 is the 9th of AV in case any bible scholars are interested.


No offense coach, didn’t you learn anything from 2014 commodities bust? Read Marin Katusa “The Rise of America” (billionaire from Vancouver) - it will blow your mind.


Btw, I agree on BLM and Trans pullback. Everyone is nice and polite till the economy tanks. This is how Hitler emerged from a minor political party to dictator, the Great Depression.


Barack Obama is a weakling and an idiot - so we will definitely not be the napoleonic figure.


The Dutch also stopped their natural gas since the government was too sleazy to pay off peoples damage after earthquakes. Luckily in emergency situations it’s turning back on. Still dumb.


Team copacetic.


Honestly, I think that CRP's political rants are not very worthwhile. The vaccine is safe and there is no conspiracy to control/poision the western world. There are reams of evidence to support its safety and effectiveness in multiple countries, yet CRP harps on a few contrived anecedotal adverse events and extrapolates this to a nonsense conspiracy theory.


Plus, as far as China and Russia, the world has been in a state of Mutually Assured Destruction for decades. So a war with China and Russia, etc is mostly irrelevant. We have been able to destroy both China and Russia several times over since the early 2000s and vice versa (maybe even earlier). Neither side acting rationally would engage in such a war.


Coach, this video has been completely removed by YouTube. Please share it different way


I am a fan of the non political posts, and even some of the political posts, especially with regard to feminism and other social topics. But the amount of educated people who have eyeballs on the vaccine data is significant, and if there was a major issue there would be no way to hide it.


Insane since not more then a 100 can watch it AND it’s a closed channel.


Channel still alive




fuck youtube


Video has been removed by yt. Think ull be able to reupload it crp? Tnx


Videos has been removed smh


Would someone please reload it on a free video page like rumble, odysee etc.? M and I think others would very much appreciate it.


Maybe make a Elite telegram catalogue for in case they get deleted


Mr. Lira I have to ask this, but why was this webinar video uploaded to Youtube? I ask because as a paying subscriber it's starting to feel a little discouraging seeing Patreon content being uploaded for free viewing.


“People come and go so quickly here”. Hard to keep up. * Agree. Nothing remotely offensive in this one. Wired.


Inma state the obvious, there are feds amongst the subs. Best bet imo is to go to another site and upload it there privately n sharing the link with only patreon subs


Fuck YouTube. I don’t know what you can do regarding the video, but you could upload the PowerPoint for us on Patreon so that we can go back to the bulletpoints at least.


I didn’t hear anything medically misinformed. Maybe ask the patrons what they believed was inaccurate about the stream.


Chances are content's being flagged automatically based on automatic transcriptions or OCR from the slides


Gonzalo, replying to your latest "Update 2022.01.03 (5:02pm EET)": In my opinion you should re-make this broadcast. It should be foolish to repeat yourself for almost 3 hours again but my advice should be to do this broadcast right after Chinese winter olympics. Previously you shared your idea that war between China and US should be right after Winter olympics but yesterday you shared an idea that it might happen as earliest in May. I was lil bit confused why you changed your mind so my advice would be to re-make this broadcast right after Winter olympics. Greetings


Coach you still have the presentation slides don't you? How about you try posting them for the moment?


I assure you: No one but Webinar Tier subscribers has seen any of this content, except the three times I've explicitly made a public broadcast. I use YouTube to host the content because it is convenient. But the content is not accessible to anyone other than you, the Webinar subscribers. CRP


Google / Youtube converts the audio into text. Then Google / Youtube uses regular expressions, AI, or something that automatically checks for this type of stuff. For example my advisor tried to send me an email about law once but it was automatically blocked by gmail. He had is post-doc in software engineering. He told me that it was automatic. Hope this helps.


Set up a locals.com account, instead of a a Patreon account for your paying subscribers. Do not believe locals.com uses YouTube to host content si YouTube can't take thiose videos down.


Can you appeal to have the video restored? If not make a 10-15 minute bonus video to summarize the content.


Thats insane


They are some dumb ass retarded Rockefeller followers among us. Pff


I think you should study how to defeat the AI and try to fuck with YouTube. I would also explore posting on Rumble.


Infiltration from with in. Its unfortunate there is no back up on the video. You should have a subscriber based account on Substack or on Odessy formerly LYBY. The censorship is going to ramp up once free speech is completely eliminated; the killing of dissidents starts. Mr. Perkins possibly may be lurking around...


Apparently there has been another purge of content with McCollough and Malone both being scrubbed off YT following podcasts with JR. This happened 1st Jan, so not surprised if there is an algorithm that reads both private and public. I don't understand why opinions should be silenced - it's for the rational person to take what they can from information and make their own optimal choices.


Gonzalo, great news for all, I downloaded yesterdays webinar. Let me know how to send it.


Remake: CRP spends a whole lot of time on history/background of events. More interested in conclusions & predictions. This time the prediction thing came fast at the end. Not sure I caught it all or agree with any of it. A remake should emphasize what ifs. * China wants to reunify with 24M Taiwanese people who don't want that. What is going to happen to them? (they will die) Look at Hong Kong for how things play out.


Coach! Thanks for your content. I usually miss it live, I'm a practicing Catholic, I'm usually at Mass or at an after-Mass brunch party with my church folks. So I don't make your live stuff too often but usually watch after it's posted. I have telegram, what is your telegram channel and how do I find you there? Not sure what you should do in this situation, your judgment would probably be better than mine, but I would probably follow you to a different platform other than YouTube if you figured out how to relocate.


He had an email blocked? That's creepy af. I've never heard of that before. What was the topic. CRP


Yes, I have appealed. But apparently, someone downloaded it and I’ll be able to make it available that way. So fingers crossed it all works out. CRP


Coach, this is a sign that censorship is getting worse, we need to migrate to other platform because being honest I think this is just the beginning of the “dark age of censorship”


Coach I was busy most of Sunday. Could you please provide an update if someone does have a backup recording? If not could you upload a summary video please?


It wasn't necessarily flagged. I had YT do the same thing to one of my private videos that I hadn't shared with anyone. Just uploading it was enough. It was a Chris Masterson video, not exactly a crazy tin foil hat guy.


I only heard 1/2 of it. Want to hear the other. Can you post to Rumble or other site? Coach, maybe your "Medical Misinformation" strike comes from you saying the "Vanilla" doesn't work...


Rumble !


UPDATE: COACH provided an updated link to this webinar UPDATE 2: SPUR33 is an absolute GIGACHAD


Dear CRP - If you need backup copy of the webinar #92 Then i have it . I become paranoid when they announced the the new EU copyright directive back in the day. and started to backup stuff that i liked from dissident right content.


Hello Happy new year coach would you be able to do small video on here or telegram on the topic . Just an idea also what is your telegram name thanks. Shame liked to have seen this coach.


upload on rumble!


You should consider backing up the public channels to Odysee and for Patreon content always have it record locally and have some external harddisk / private Telegram channel for backups :-) Hope we can handle this better in the future. All the best, keep up the good work


Coach, I can host it on Rudd-O.com if you want. You should think about having your own Web site where you host these things for posterity. Contact me — I am willing to help you with it.


The download is looking good coach! (edit no sound past 1:58:50)


OK, Yeah, no sound past 1:58:50. What is the backup? 1.19G took close to 20 minutes for the down load. Many Thanks to Spur33.


Unfortunately there is no sound past 1:58:50 (Spur33 version). User "Madis-siim Kull" offers Coach a full version down below in the comments though.


Spur33's video's sound dies at 1:58:52 on my download. Anyone else?


Thanks Spur33! For future reference, please backup all your lifestreams and videos, coach. The odds of Youtube doing this again are extraordinarily high.


Yeah, no sound past 1:58:50 . User "Madis-siim Kull" offers Coach a full version down below in the comments.




No sound past 1:58:50. User "Madis-siim Kull" offers Coach a full version down below in the comments thouhj.


Thanks Spur33! Great quality too. What program did you use to download?


So I always suspected Patreon due to being linked to the YouTube frame. This deletion confirms it. Let's all move our dollars to another platform.


Can you please upload it and send a link to CRP at CoachRedPill@gmail.com so he can edit the post?


Thanks Spur33! Really like the first half of this one and wanted to rewatch anyway since I watched it really late.


Unfortunately there is no sound past 1:58:50 in this download.


Unfortunately there is no sound past 1:58:50 in this download.


Coach, would it be possible for you to download the video from the link that someone saved and then re-upload to Patreon so that everyone can watch it? For those using their smartphones to listen, downloading 1.1 gigs may not be feasible.


When I downloaded I couldn't hear anything from 02:00. But that problem will surely be fixed in the repost.


Cuts off at 02:00


Also try Odysee


Please bring us a new video regarding the subject. When it is flagged, it means that the information is vital. Also know that it's not longtime subscribers doing that. You're on a watchlist of media influencers who are potentially lethal to the establishment. Watch your 6 Coach...


Ah, I was really looking forward to listen to this. Was only able to listen to this somewhere in the middle for like 30 mins only when it was live.


Can you redo this webinar? I don't mind if you push all the future ones out by a week and redo it next Sunday at the regular time. It's a very important topic for letting it get lost... :-///


The download link is super slow, but it might come down. Fingers crossed...


i downloaded it pretty fast


maybe videos could be hosted on an IPFS solution that way there is no way for oligarchs to take the video down


audio gets cut off at the 2hr mark on the media fire link


Soooooo.... where do we go to view it again?


Hi CRP, just downloaded the backup of the recording. Unfortunately there is no more audio after 1h: 58mins. Maybe others can confirm that. As Jack Lance has mentioned it before, maybe you could backup your video content onto another platform.


Hi Madis could you send me also the copy of the webinar? my email is jussi.js01@gmail.com


Is that just me, or the sound in the recording just cuts off for the rest of the webinar?


Yooo thanks for the mp4!


It was that idiot guy who pried into coach's business I bet. Talking about his exploits publically. Does your wife watch the stream? How is that a good move?


put it on rumble or odysee. Media Fire sucks


Wat happen?


Actually the download link is not downloading the webinar for me. Dunno. Any solution?


Thank you for putting it up on Rumble. It plays perfectly on my end. You may want to consider using Ruble as a back-up. Question: Is there a particular reason that you think that Tulsi Gabbard could become a Napoleon-like figure?


CRP, might I suggest using Odysee? I know you can actually stream to both Odysee and YouTube at the same time.


No Sound: Approximately last quarter there is no sound on the recording. Very interested in your Perdictions and What if at the end of the video. Note to have it is disappointing. Can we have a replay?


Video unavailable


Video removed


i'd like to have the data on the death rates skyrocketing and how it is not COVID


You can look up how dangerous each lot number is: howbadismybatch.com


The vaccine side-effects, like the heart stuff in kids, will be blamed on the virus. You already see that in the media.


Where can I see this video. It won’t play on Patreon.