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I was tempted to do it in watercolours but I haven't touched Copics in a while too... Such a dilemma! Next one will be in watercolours (maybe :D ).

I recorded colouring in 2k, yay! If it doesn't kill my poor PC when editing (it's in 19 pieces as the limit to record 2k on my device is 5min)  - I will try to share with you full 2k video!

This is the last work of March pack 3. There will be no March Pack 4, I will take time to edit videos and images as well as prepare earlier promised April suprise ^-^

You, my lovely Patrons, will be able to receive:

♥ HD images

♥ Process steps and sketches

♥ 300dpi scannned lineart

♥ Information about tools and colours I used

♥ Video process

of this work in March Pack 3

Thank you so much for your support! You're the best ♥






Sakula wow😍