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This would be officially the end of March Pack 2.

Rewards for all March packs will be sent on or before 7th of April, after the payments clear out. 

A massive thank you from me for all your help and support, for all your ♥ and comments, and for being here with me. I hope you can take out something valuable from my activity, I hope you can see how I am learning and how I try to improve by setting challenges for myself.  I am always open for suggestions what you'd like to see, too!

There seems to be an impossible obstacle to overcome for me - to record my own voice for voiceovers, but I will work on subbed tutorials, experiment with new media (got myself a bunch of watercolours, yay!) also not forgetting about digital drawings. I try to photoraph and record every step of the drawing whenever possible as well.

*Ekhem, enough talking, Asia, enough*

Oh, and I'm planning a little surprise at the beginning of April ^-^ More info soon!

Thank you once again, you're the best ♥




Woo! I'm curious, is there something in particular you're trying to learn or improve? And naww, don't be too shy ;~; Are you just shy in general or do you have an accent you're conscious about? I ask because my wife's conscious of her (pretty weak now) Russian accent.


There is always something to improve. Dificult poses, perspective, how to depit action or dynamic poses, interaction between more characters, backgrounds, stronger light and shadow play, different media than pencils and markers. :) Haha, can't win with this one I'm afraid. Not shy but rather quiet. I don't think this is accent's fault though, foreigners never notice I'm from abroad, only Britons ask what region I am from as they don't recognise my mixed accent ^-^