Video description issue (Patreon)
First of all, thanks to each and every one of you for supporting my videos via Patreon. I know I have been saying it at the end of all my videos recently, but your pledges really help provide the freedom and time to produce the projects I upload.
Now, I've run into a bit of an issue with YouTube. Basically, YouTube will only allow me to enter a video description of 5,000 characters long. Currently on my latest video (will be live today), it's at 4,960 characters. I feel I need to bring this up now and mention that I'll be reducing the number of names in the description to just the $5 tier Patrons. I hope this isn't an issue as I'd assume the majority of you are here to receive the stl files, get early access to videos and just genuinely support my channel.
All of your names will remain in every previous video description that I have posted, also including this weeks video. But I will be changing it for next weeks video.
Thanks once again!