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Hi Patrons!

We’ve recently had the Daimler Armoured Car into the workshop for its service and a carburettor refurbishment due to its poor running and lack of power. Whilst we have completed this, we still suspect a possible valve timing issue causing the poor running. Hopefully we can get this fixed.

I learnt to use the sandblaster last week! The Centurion side bins had started to deteriorate so we decided to sandblast and then re-primer the bins before they get sent away to be refurbished.

We have recently started the Centurion AVRE 105 refurbishment. We are going to use one of our spare Meteor engines that was rebuilt roughly thirty years ago and we are currently building a test stand to run the engine outside of the vehicle to make sure of no major leaks as it has sat for so long.

My next week at college is on engine exhaust and ignition systems, which is great timing, coinciding with our current project in the workshop.

Thanks again for all your support and I hope you enjoy your Sunday. 




Mark Niblett

Not seeing the pictures

Jeroen Vantroyen

The pictures above the post are only 1 pixel high. You can click them if you aim your mouse perfectly, but it's probably better if someone has a look to fix it.

The Tank Museum

Hi Mark, the pictures seem to appear fine our end when we preview the post. I can send you the images as a message if you'd like? Are you viewing them on web or mobile?

The Tank Museum

Hi Jeroen, seems a bit odd. I can send the images over as a message if it would be easier. The post appears normal for us when we preview it. Are you viewing the post on mobile or web?