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Have you got a tank-related question you'd like to ask Curator David Willey?

If you have, there is still time to submit one for this month's Q&A. Just pop it in the comments below.




Hi David and Fin. I was wondering how often 131's track link treads are checked, and how they are wearing. Those 'early' links have the raised tread, but no ice cleats as on later links. Among later links, I have a good early, but also a very badly worn link that has gone down to the side walls. Love the informative talks from Fin . Simon.

Edward Pattinson

Thank you for accepting my request to join you! I recently had a premium ticket to Tiger Day 15-16 September however there was another tank in the museum that piqued my interest. I wanted to chat with Dave Willey regarding this tank but he was busy with other customers. In the museum there is a Valentine and it is stamped 40th RTR. On the 06/04/1943 my grandfather a L/Sgt at the time with battery 241 61st Highland Anti-Tank attached to 154 bde 51st Highland Division is making his way to the Anti Tank ditch at Wadi Akarit (base of Roumama hills Tunisia Adjacent to the main costal road to Sfax). Prior to this it was determined that the ground was unfavorable for the battery to be towed by conventional methods ie Morris quads. A decision was made that the battery would be towed over the ditch by valentines of the 40th RTR. When the assault group reached the ditch it was incomplete. My grandfather had said he jumped off a Valentine to get a shovel I presume to help finish the crossing over the ditch. However shelling and machine gun fire were heavy and he sustained shrapnel in both legs rendering him immobile. He was taken to Tripoli first then Alexandria and El kantara. Unfortunately they could not remove all the shrapnel and lost him several times during surgery. He missed the Sicily campaign but rejoined the regiment in amersham Dec 1943 to commence anfibious training landing on Nan beach Juno White sector D+2 08/06/1944. I am hoping someone can give me a history of this tank and let me know if it was involved at the battle of Wadi Akarit on that day 06/04/1943 Kind Regards Edward Pattinson