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Don't forget to submit your questions to David for this month's Q&A.

The monthly Q&A is exclusive to Supporters, where you can ask the Museum Curator all your burning tank-related questions, with the occasional guest appearances from Fin, of course! Comment with your questions below.



Michael Gallasch

Hello David, is a series "Tmb employees presenting their top 5 tanks" planned? Just saw the episode with chris copson on youtube. And I still hope to see some day claires top 5 tanks. Best regards, Michael

Daniel Ortiz

Hello David! I’m new to Patreon and I’m working through all of the Q&A videos and have loved all of them so far! I did have a question that has always puzzled me that I wanted to ask? With regards to tanks between WWII and the Cold War, I’ve often wondered why history has criticized the Germans with their heavy tanks like Tiger and Panther (idea being it would take 4 Sherman’s or t-34’s to knock out 1 tiger even if at the time that may or may not have been the main idea behind them) but yet fast forward to the Cold War and NATO’s Tank doctrine of having tanks that could Tank out multiple soviet tanks this doesn’t seem to be criticized? Idea being Germany went with quality over quantity and lost and gets criticized, but yet NATO seems to have used that same philosophy and doesn’t? I know WWII is a war of numbers and that Germany was overwhelmed by allied tank production, but then if that’s the case then NATO would have been overwhelmed too by Soviet tanks even though we had developed technologies like anti tank missiles, attack helicopters, improved ground attack planes like the A-10 etc? I would just love to know why the disparity between the 2 since to me it’s just alway puzzled me how the heavy tanks of Germany and having superior combat quality tanks in regards to armor and firepower gets a bad rap, but yet NATO’s (from my view) uses that same philosophy to a great degree 20yrs later but yet it’s not criticized with tanks like Chieftan, M103, Conqueror, and others later on. Would love to know what the best answer is! Best regards -Daniel :)

The Tank Museum

Hi Daniel, keep your eye out for the latest Q&A this weekend! I will ensure your question is submitted to David for next month's Q&A. Thank you :)