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Hello Patreons,  

After a hugely successful summer running Tanks in Action displays as part of The Workshop Team, The Museum hasn't slowed down! All departments have been gearing up for TANKFEST this weekend.  

Getting ready for an event like TANKFEST, is very similar to Tiger Day for us in the Workshop. Roughly 25 to 30 of The Museum's own collection of vehicles are being made ready for the event. Like tiger day, a full safety inspection on each vehicle is done, ensuring they are fit to run.  

These inspections have shown up some faults which we, The Workshop Team, have been working hard to fix before the big day. One of the things we have been working on is the fuel delivery problem on Chieftain; it's starving the main engine and preventing it from running. We found out this was due to a faulty fuel cut off valve worn and vibrating closed when running.

Finding faults can seem frustrating; however, learning of an issue means we can sort it out beforehand, so it doesn't become a bigger problem on the day. It's a good thing because we can ensure we keep The Museums running vehicles in good working order. As you know, some of the vehicles in the collection are over 100 years old.

Thank you once again to all our Patrons for supporting the Workshop Apprenticeship at The Tank Museum. I'll update you all again soon and let you know how my TANKFEST 2021 went!  

Speak soon



Steve Mikre

Must be an amazing experience for Aaron...


The Chieftain's having engine problems? Oh, say it ain't so!