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Hello Patrons,

This month we have been very busy editing six films for the upcoming WWII exhibition, including veteran accounts from Greece, archive footage from Dieppe and an animation covering Tortoise racing in Tunisia! These films have been especially enjoyable to work on as they involved collaborating with the archive and graphics department. I have progressed my skills in 2.5D images and animated maps during these projects. The new exhibition also requires multiple soundscapes of the jungles in Burma and the beaches of Dieppe which have been so much fun to put together!

I have also filmed and interviewed a 99 year old veteran this month who began his Army career in Bovington, and was then sent to Italy and Korea. It was amazing to hear his stories first hand and really helps to put everything into context when I’m editing.

Thank you for all your positive comments and continued support, it is appreciated by the whole team here at the Museum!




Bill Lemmond

Chloe, thank you for all your patience, and careful work.

Chris Annen

Thank you for all of the remarkable work you do. We all appreciate it.