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Find out what life was like on-set for The Tank Museum staff who oversaw and crewed the vehicles on the set of the Hollywood WW2 blockbuster Fury.


Fury: Life on Set

Find out what life was like on-set for The Tank Museum staff who oversaw and crewed the vehicles.


Josh Salazar

Love the movie it was great to see 131 and Fury square off. A lot of people say the battle wasn't very accurate I know it's a movie and you have to twist some things but when Fury fired and hit the tiger wouldn't it have damaged her I mean that's why they put that gun in that Sherman. Again I loved it and hope to one day be at tiger day cheers.

Fat Freddy's Cat

How stupid was this movie? Well lets see. Americans made out to be retarded misfits and rapists. Typical. Brad Pitt can't act. One crappy American Tank takes on a company of elite German troops, as if. I like tanks and history but this movie sucked. I wouldn't brag or associate yourself with this movie if you actually like history, or good movies for that matter.