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Remember that if you feel that you're not ready for Astral projection because you have a lot of 'issues' or a lot of karmic lessons to learn then don't be discouraged. Sure, Astral projection is a tremendous discipline for those who are determined, but at the same time, it’s extremely simple to do. The only thing that makes it hard is our own minds… because we’re raised in society to think that any new skills has to be attained from much suffering and that we’re not good enough until we put in the work - and so we find 'methods' and 'systems' in order to work towards that goal, but in reality, the method is just our subconscious way of putting it off until we feel worthy enough, and often deep down we’re just putting off the fact that we’re afraid to do it.

The path of Astral projection is NOT just about Astral projecting, it's about SPIRITUAL GROWTH and EXPANSION. Whatever lessons we have to learn on the way to get there should be as fulfilling and lead to happiness as much as having an Astral projection experience 🙏


John G

LOVE THIS. This is why I'm not rushing astral projection. I'm looking for spiritual growth and know it's a lifelong journey, no matter the experiences along the way.