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You'll hear so many people use this saying:

"We are spiritual beings having a human experience"

But what people understand less of is:

"We are human beings having a spiritual experience"

The first statement implies that somewhere deep down, we are somewhat awakened and have chosen to come to this limited physical life to learn and expand... Now that's all good and well thinking that we're awakened beings somewhere deep down, I wholeheartedly agree - but is this statement as profound as the second one?

You see, if you meditate on the second statement, it is actually far more relevant in terms of awakening and realising the truth of our spirituality here and now.

To realise that "we are human beings having a spiritual experience" is to realise that material LIMITATION is actually a profoundly powerful and spiritual thing. The material IS spiritual. From the moment we are born, we become human and slowly, by grace, we come to realise that we are having a spiritual experience - that's the real beauty, that's awakening.

If we were spiritual beings before this, then why would we come to the physical to have a lesser experience? Because it is not lesser, it is GREATER. We come here to become even MORE spiritual. Therefore, the material CAN be our greatest source of spiritual power (if you allow it).

The reason why most people prefer the first statement is because we often resist, hate and resent our physical life, wishing and DREAMING it was something else, with better friends, more money, a nicer house... This is why people prefer to say "I'm sick of this human experience, I only identify with being a spiritual being". But the thing is; life never goes in our favor when we are in resistance with it. Therefore, we should work on accepting being a HUMAN BEING.

The first statement leans towards implying that as a spiritual being, the human experience and the material is not spiritual. Don't make the mistake of separating the material from the spiritual. When we live in full acceptance and surrender our resistance of physical life, we open the doors to bring the light of consciousness in THROUGH the material. Manifest the spiritual into your material life and ground it HERE AND NOW 🙏


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