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Dear Diary,

Oy!  I'm alive and working hard.  Things are taking longer than expected but it feels like it's toward a worthwhile result.  If you wanna see how things are going, come check out one of the Discord streams.  I usually stream weekday mornings at 9AM till around 3PM (EST), unless I've got some task which is best completed off-stream.

What am I working on?  Well, to be honest, I was disappointed in the first chapter of RSED.  I thought it was rushed to it's detriment and would've made for an unappealing entry point into the series.  Not that it wasn't superior to everything everyone else is doing, but I can do better still.  So, I'm treating it like a pilot.  Taking another run at the first chapter which involves some re-imagining of the RSE universe.  Don't say "retcons", I'll cry.  We're cleaning up the origin stories for much of the cast and making everything more grokkable.  "Grok" is the word of the day BTW.  Go look it up.

This first chapter will be extended in comparison to later chapters.  Kinda like how shonen series start out with a 60 page comic, then turn into 20 page weekly serials.  Weekly will be the goal, or at least near weekly, with one week of each month being dedicated to the creation of a Side Story.  In the process I've also made templates for a number of work documents that assist with stages of the development process.  Things like panel layout.

Right now I think we're 1-2 weeks away from release.  Usually I take weekends off, but since y'all have been presumably edging for weeks, I'll be working every day till this thing comes out.  In the meantime, expect some behind the scenes content.

Don't stop edging~!



edging 4 cheerleading squad


"Superior to everything everyone else is doing". Them's fighting words! Looking forward to seeing your accomplishments and the wider internet's reaction when you begin your public releases.


Hi,when will the next chapter be posted?Can't wait to read your comics!(ꈍᴗꈍ)


Hey! Standard story of "it's taking longer than expected" but I'll be posting some of it soon (think next few days), since y'all have been patient. Fortunately I feel the time spent will be visible in the product.