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PAGE 1: A lil' series to test out a new format, the new model templates, and help me get back in the rhythm of the content machine.  I'll update this post as new pages come out.

PAGE 2: Two uploads with just one day in between!?  It cannot be!!!  On a side, note, these will be displayed in reverse order so the last page is always on top.  Also hoping the format changes from page 1 will make it easier to read for mobile.

PAGE 3: Ran into a goofy issue with formatting for Getting Familiar page 3.  It wouldn't let me export the big long image I wanted it to be.  I'll redo it soon enough, but for now since it's getting late and I wanna post it, I just shrunk it down.

PAGE 4: Imagine *not* changing the format in between pages???  This is actually only a little over half what I plan this full page to be, but it's still enough to post for now.  It'll be expanded in the next update.  ...Or maybe just break it into two?  IDK, we'll see.

PAGE 5: I'd meant to weave pages in between other posts, but this one had momentum.  Have two in a row then.  ...I think I can come up with a better way to do thought bubbles, but I leave that till next time.

PAGE 6: Stretching around the pupil size is always fun.

PAGE 7: I'm getting fast as heck!  I just gotta make sure I don't set an unreasonable standard, high off this momentum.

PAGE 8: Beeeeg stretch!  Blonde boy will save the day, I'm sure!

PAGE 9: The final stage of transformation approaches...  (I'm pretty sure there's just one page left!)

PAGE 10: Final be like =3   I feel inclined to return to this setting in the future, but there's a lot on my plate at the moment, so don't hold your breath.  Overall happy with how this turned out.  A PDF version of all the pages has been attached.  The format changes throughout the first half can make it a bit of a weird read.




I like this. Though grouping all the panels together make the text small on a phone.


yus! But can he always know that he was a guy even though he's always going to be treated like a pet? umm .. asking ... asking for a friend ...


Tragically I'm a sucker for endings with complete and total mental changes, but I'll put consideration into his resistance to those changes up until the last moment.



Turkey (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 07:22:38 why is on the floor? -> why is it on the floor?
2023-06-01 05:20:00 why is on the floor? -> why is it on the floor?

why is on the floor? -> why is it on the floor?


I don't know why, but the nya-esque catgirl accents do strange things to me.


Wow the 4th page formatting is way fancier


Glad it stands out. It doesn't take much more time either. Laying out the panels before hand helps I think.

Turkey (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 06:47:40 kitty's -> kitties
2023-06-07 15:02:26 kitty's -> kitties

kitty's -> kitties


How many pages are you planning to have? I'm waiting for the final page before reading


I actually dunno. My current guess would put it at 9, 10, or 11. I'll add "Completed" when it's done.


I keep trying to like this post. But I've already done so the first time you added a page! So I'll have to use words instead: still enjoying the comic 😃. Also the formatting on this is really nice


Ha, yeah, that's one of the downsides of updating posts instead of making a new one. The formatting's coming together well, minimal changes between the last 3 pages. I've even been considering tweaking the earlier pages to be a little more in line, like with the background colour and dimensions.


Tootsie finna get a playmate