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Leading with the headline, I'm aiming to get RSE2's first chapter out next month.  Next week I'll be releasing Side Story 17, a day early if it's done by then, and then I'll be buckling down for the RSE2 debut.

Leading up to that, this week was trying to make advancements in what could be done for character modelling so that I'm ready to pump out all the necessary characters.  Here's how that went.

FIG 1.  I've been considering using what has been in the past a controversial style, but I don't want to go for it if it can't be advanced past the controversy.  So I first went for the most controversial play I could think of by re-modelling Daphney in that style.  I'm still not totally happy with it, but I think the style has advanced and become more agreeable thanks to input from some of it's detractors.  The next thing I would want to accomplish with it is confidence that I can use it to output a diverse collection of character faces, which are all clearly differentiated and communicate personality.  Worst case scenario, I'm still best in the business at the standard anime style.  The white outline is just for fun.

FIG 2.  Here shows where post-processing came in on the previous image.  The green and purple outlines are where artificial shadows and edge-definition was thrown in.  Things like this will be useful for making particularly important images, like the covers, look as good as possible.

FIG 3.  I wanted to try the post-processing techniques used on Daphney for a render with cleavage while also practising with the style itself, so I made this girl.  The face doesn't have quite as much personality as I'd like, but this shot wasn't focused on the face.

FIG 4.  Again, just showing where shadows were added.

FIG 5.  Here I wanted to make a face that looked radically different from Daphney.  Easiest way it seemed to do that was with a different race, so.  Mouth turned out great, but despite this being a reasonably looking model it's not the style I'd want to use for RSE2.  It skirts too close to reality and, dangerously, the uncanny valley.  I want the RSE2 characters to have a nose but still look like they're animated.  Like they're not trying to look real.  Think Persona 5 or Arcane.  Also, more subtly featured in this render, is in game custom cleavage shading.  It's a new frontier.

FIG 6.  Just a small expression test and teaser for a new character coming to RSE2.  They come pre-cross-dressed.  For those who have been inquiring, there's gonna be a lot of cross-dressing and slow gradual changes.  Also, I love giving characters pitch black hair.  It looks so clean.

Thanks for sticking around.  More TG comic content and a new poll coming soon.




I'd like to take a moment to say that your combination of art and story telling are first rate, especially in this genre, where so often the story telling degenerates into a trope to present the art or the art is simply not good enough to realistically illustrate the story. So ... Thank you.


Looking forwards to RSE 2. Post-processing eh? Have you been practicing in Photoshop? Haven’t been on Discord in a while, but whatever you’re doing the models are looking awesome.


At the moment I'm still stuck in my ways with Adobe Animate. I'd be happy to send you any character cards if you get the urge to dissect 'em.

Willow Simmons

Just to chime in, I find your great humor in the stories to be unparalleled. I often find myself laughing aloud.

SigmaGalTG (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-14 18:09:05 Honestly I rarely set out to be funny, but anytime a funny idea comes up, it stays in. <3
2023-03-26 23:36:49 Honestly I rarely set out to be funny, but anytime a funny idea comes up, it stays in. <3

Honestly I rarely set out to be funny, but anytime a funny idea comes up, it stays in. <3


Excited to see Daphney back