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A week has passed!  We did it team!  Oh shit, another week's coming? Uh! Uhhhh!  A-anyways, here's what was w-worked on last week.

Fig. 1 - It's a good sign that I'm feeling the pressure to start outputting assets for RSE2.  There's need for a lot of character models, so I wanna get the template right.  Here we see two runs at a template.  I'm happy with the body, but neither face feels quite right to me.  I do like the pupils of the right model.  They may be too large, but they've got a lot of depth and personality.  The clothes they're wearing is close to what will be appearing on a lot of characters in RSE2.

Fig. 2 - Using the second template model, I made three NPC characters for RSE2.  I'm not totally sure I wanna keep them since the standard template model hasn't been set in stone yet, but at least as blurs in the background they'll be perfectly functional.

Fig. 3 - A bit of expression practice, where I try to replicate the look of a reference.  The head mod used on this models is better than the standard for the purpose of adjusting the mouth bones, (yuck), because the standard ones have bizarre and terrible problems.

Fig. 4 - Due to miscreants voting in the polls, I'm now pledged to make a wacky combination of content, involving girls styled after the work of the artist Kaisen Chuui.  The body shape is about as close as I can hope to get baseline for Koikatsu.  The head and expressions need some work.  Also, note the background in this image.  An 'oil painting' filter has been applied over it.  I really like the look of it and this may become my new standard.

Fig. 5 - Work in progress teaser material.  There's space on the left for at least two of the new central characters to appear behind a thick blur.  Sometime soon, hopefully.

Besides RSE2 stuff, the main content I worked on this week was Paramour.  No need to post images from it since that'll be coming out very soon.  Like, an hour or two from when this is posted.  Hopefully the extra effort that went into it will come through.

For the rest of the weekend, I'll be resting.  Streaming will continue Monday, as planned.  I might move up the standard starting time since I've found it easier to hop right to it in the morning, rather than waiting to render anything till 10AM.



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