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Guh!  Happy New Year or whatever!  >:(

Shorter than usual update this month.  Holidays have thrown me off balance with all their emphasis on family and relaxation.  I've recently returned from visiting relatives and am currently preparing to visit relatives.  I tell ya, the war on Christmas needs some better management.  Where are my grinches at!?

Since I don't expect I'll be able to get my usual volume of content out, I'm pausing billing for January as a combination Christmas present and Christmas coping mechanism.  Enjoy this free month of sporadic content while I try to find places to hide from the people who love me!

Fortunately I'm seriously eager to make more stuff because I very much enjoy doing it.  And who knows?  Perhaps it'll end up being pretty close to what the other months have been like, but I'd rather under promise and over deliver than vice versa.

Shame to lose momentum at this time, but I'm determined to get it back by leveraging this free month to gain a secret content buffer to guarantee regular releases for a time while keeping stress at energizing non-burnout levels.  I want the passion to come through for the final 5 RSE chapters.  Yeah, responsibility!  Get hype!  Anyways...

...I think 2021 was the coolest year of my life thanks to you guys.  Thanks or whatever!



Oh yeah, the winners for last month's polls are: "Game Show" and "Ballerina TG!"  A Side Story featuring both of those elements will be appearing later this month.

Also, the winner of the special poll was: "Naruto Sexy Jutsu!"  Once the final chapter of RSE has been posted, I'll be making a short story featuring that in between series.

Check the description of the pinned Teasers, Schedule, and Poll Info post for what the Beta Tiers and up are voting on this month.


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