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So two bits of news, one for each series.

DANCE LESSONS:  The next 10 pages have already been completed. I wanted to develop a backlog so I could guarantee consecutive releases for some time. The 2 pages per week means I can guarantee updates each week for at least 5 weeks! Next step is to start releasing the earlier pages publicly, bring in some new fans now that the work rhythm feels consistent and sustainable.

PRISONER REFORM: The poll came back at 55% continue, 45% cancel. If this were Rotten Tomatoes, that'd be 55% fresh, certified stanky. I think we do better, so I declare this series CANCELED! Yoooo! I am in pre-production for a new Gamma series to replace it. Hint: Goblin. Getting the first pages done of this is my current highest priority.

OTHER: There are 2 long overdue comms I also gotta work on. That'll be the focus on Fridays. And then there's RSED, which I'm eager to get back to. I do gotta figure out how I can make the thing I wanna make at the rate I wanna make it. Some compromises in quality seem appropriate.

That's all for now! Swing by the discord on weekdays to catch me streaming work!



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