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Hi everyone, I recently increased the data cap from 16TB to 32TB on pixeldrain. I'm hoping this will be more than enough because this is the max I can get on the site, well technically I can also get a custom plan but by default 32 is the max.

But the more important thing is the new album link, in case you are new I do this every month, old links will probably be broken because of this change but the album should stay pretty much the same as it was before. Google drive is left untouched though, all the links are the same.

Anyway here is the new link

I don't want to spam everyone each month with these links so I don't send out a message to each one of you, I'm hoping just making a post about it works fine!

Still working on the next video (druid themed video with giants and other monsters), I got a little bit demotivated because I just couldn't get some animations to work as I wanted for the story part... it shouldn't really affect the video overall but it sucks when you have some cool ideas but can't make them work because of some technical difficulties... depending on how long this video takes for me to finish I might even do a 3rd video this month, just a surprise text based video. A lot of you wanted to see Beatrice part 3 so I was thinking of making that happen. The other video I'll be doing for sure this month is a follow up to the previous video with Tekla, it will also include a new voice actress :)

Ty for all the nice comments on the previous video & all the support.



Thanks for the new album link! Ever considered adding in a password for security or not really something you worry about?


There is no option to add a password on pixeldrain, but I think it wouldn't really add any extra security considering these links are already private for the most part. Also just makes it easier/faster to access stuff imo


I'm curious to hear a bit more about the technical difficulties because I'm a bit of a nerd. I know Skyrim was made with Bethesda's Creation engine which is extremely old (2011) so I can believe there are some limitations. That being said I'm not sure if the actual software you use to make your videos is something more of a video editor that simply borrows assets from the game. On the plus side, it seems that whatever you use allows you to create much longer videos compared to people that utilize Blender or SFM. From what I hear, Blender in particular takes an obscenely long time to render as most creators can usually only manage about one or two 5-min video per month even while using high-end graphic cards. If that ever came to pass, I feel as if your videos would lose their substance and uniqueness, but I would still have faith in your quality and attention to detail.


This is all just in game footage so it's not even comparable to anything that people do in blender, sfm or any other 3D software. I would say it still takes quite a bit of skill and experience to make such videos in game, it has it's pros and cons for sure. I've been wanting to learn blender or sfm but as you said stuff like this takes ages to do in blender, people mainly use it to make very short looped animations. Sfm is a different story, you can do stuff much faster but it is a bit outdated at this point so I'm not sure if I should put the time and effort into learning it.


For now I'm still happy with the things I'm able to achieve in Skyrim, now that I started working with voice actresses more often I think they are really starting to be somewhat decent videos. Yeah sure I could definitely achieve more realistic physics in a 3D software, actual fluids, hyper realism and what not but I do enjoy coming up with smaller stories for these videos, which wouldn't be possible in blender or sfm all by myself.


It's a heavily modded Skyrim, you can mod it yourself too, depending on how you do it it could be a part of the gameplay itself or just an animation viewer. I play Skyrim with the mods he has, it's fun where sex is implemented seamlessly to Skyrim, the charm can wear off too because it's not as cinematic as CHRS or his peers. All animations are done, all CHRS does is like what a director does, direct where the models will go, the camera and the lighting. Most of the animations are done by enthusiasts at Loverslab so his choice of animations are limited to that. What CHRS lacks with the bespoke animations done in SFM/Blender/Maya he makes up for cinematography. The only animator at Loverslab I know that dabbled in animations outside of Skyrim is K-4 Animation to which he made one video called "Encounter at Blackreach".


I didn't know K4 made actual 3D animations, his Skyrim animations are really good though, probably my most favorite out there. He doesn't have a lot of anims but they are all superb quality. Would love to contact him if he's still active ^^


Yea I would say what you have right now is perfect for your needs. Decent enough animations, excellent video length, fantastic voice acting, as well as a stellar output frequency. While Blender might offer better physics and 3d models/animations, your ability to narrate a story would definitely be hampered since it takes a lot of work for even just a 5 min video and not to mention you could probably only do 1 per month. At least for me personally, I don't watch your videos because of the animation as much as the other elements as frankly creators making short clips with Blender are a dime a dozen.


When will first video drop?


In a few days probably but I still have to record quite a lot and then finish the editing/audio ^^ But it's coming pretty soon I hope


Druid theme sounds so cool. I can't wait to see what the girl looks like.


Don't compromise quality over quantity my friend. Take your time, as much as these are just fetish videos they are also art, and I can respect an artist needing his time to make his craft.


I don't mind Text based, but I guess if you want to maintain a consistent quality I get why you wouldn't make too many of em