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Hey, I just noticed that all the data cap has been used up on pixeldrain. From my understanding it shouldn't really slow down the download speeds or anything, but ads will be shown. In a few days this will probably be fixed, but if it keeps happening I'll upgrade the next month! Currently it's 16TB and I thought that would be more than enough lol

If you are experiencing any issues maybe try downloading through the google drive links although some of the videos are not available there. Anyway I hope this isn't that big of a deal and pixeldrain will continue to function just like before.

Also I'm currently recording the last few parts for the next video, should be able to finish the full video in just a couple of days. Before that I want to have some kind of creature poll ready, just like the one I did a few months ago. I know a lot of you enjoy equine and canine content but I'd like to have more variety if possible. Especially with monsters, there are so many I haven't made a video with yet. Also feel free to send me your ideas/suggestions for future voiced videos, I have 2 in mind that I want to make next month!



Just dogs, horses or pigs please. Not so keen on monsters. Last video was first class!


werewolves and normal wolves as well please <3


K9's please


I'd be happy with one video dedicated to the chaurus tragedy of the frostflow light house/ frostflow abyss story if possible.


I like making videos around in game quests, will add that to my list!


i think a troll are the perfect monster, i was sad that you didn't want to make a part two of your first succubus video because it was to much work. but also i understand it the same time. so please more troll content. ps: that did't mean that i did't like your dog stuff


I second a falmer/charus video like the light house. Perhaps an investigation gone wrong. Spiders and skeevers would be interesting too.


I love that idea. Something like an adventurer gets hired by the children of the couple because they haven't heard from them. When she goes to the lighthouse she find's the husband's body, and when she goes to the cellar she finds the wife being used by the Chaurus as an egg incubator. The adventurer tries to rescue her but gets captured and used as a second incubator. Then begins an endless cycle of the two women being fucked, impregnated, and laying eggs until it's all they can think about anymore.


If you're going to try two video's a month going forward, maybe the first video can be dog/wolf/horse since those are the most popular, and the second video is with some other type of creature. As for ideas for other creatures, I'd still like to see some of the ones I've DM'd you about before. Specifically, three possibilities that I'd love are: Dragonborn/mage student undergoes some "focus" training where she is placed in a cave with a troll for 24 hours and must maintain her composure and not let herself succumb to pleasure while it fucks her repeatedly. Second, a WoW crossover with Tyrande (or just a regular wood elf if you'd rather do that) where she goes around providing "comfort" to various forest creatures as part of her ranger duties. Third, a female warrior is captured and forced to take part in a series of gladiator style fights against different creatures and monsters, with the promise of freedom and gold if she wins. But the fights are rigged so that she always loses, and when she does she is fucked by whatever she was fighting while the crowd watches and cheers.


I'm really not sure yet, I think I could be able to do 3 but it really depends on the availability of the voice actress. If I manage to find more VAs then it's definitely doable. I think next month it's gonna be 2 only just so that I can get the hang of it, and to compensate I'll try to make them 30 minutes long each. Also thanks for the ideas as always!


No need to push too hard, just do what seems manageable.


Thats the exact story I had in mind. Especially with that giant chaurus at the end of the cave.


Yes. There is a Star Wars comic out there where the Geonosian queen takes jedi and deposits her eggs in them, then has the drones fuck them in order to fertilize the eggs. Maybe do something similar, where the Chaurus Reaper is the queen of the nest and fucks them first to lay eggs in them, then the smaller Chaurus fuck them with their bellies all swollen and pregnant looking, then finally they give birth to the fertilized eggs before repeating the whole cycle over again.


I would love to see a video much like the one you just made with the woman getting caught fucking a dog, but loves it so much she can’t stop so is trying to hide her face except made with a horse. Sizzling…


Just thought of an idea for a public humiliation horse video, since a bunch of people were asking for it in the opinion poll. Basically, it starts with a thief trying to steal a horse but getting caught by the guards. As punishment they put her in a stock in the town square and have her get fucked by every horse in the stables as the townsfolk watch. By the end her belly is swollen from being repeatedly filled with horse cum and she is barely coherent. The guards dump her outside of town and tell her she's free to go, and she slowly crawls away because she still can't walk properly.


Or she loves it so much she can’t help herself… after the guards dump her outside of town, she keeps crawling back into town to find and continue being bred by the stallions.