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Hey! Sorry again for the delay, I tried my best to post this a few days before the end of this month. You'll still be able to access all my videos probably for like 5 more days even if you cancel your pledge now, I do this because I can't always finish the last video in time. So you know, download whatever you need but if you stick around for next month as well, that means a lot!

Anyway, if you enjoyed part 1 I think you'll enjoy this follow up as well! There is just a bit more variety than before. I couldn't really focus on all the characters otherwise this video would be way to long, but I think there is a decent balance. This time I tried not to over complicate things for the story, it's quite short.

I've been trying to improve on the sound design as well, I bought a few voice packs from different VAs, it's great because I don't have to wait x amount of time for them to be delivered, really good for videos with multiple "side" characters. I'd still like to make a few more fully voiced videos though with actual voice acting, like the one with Tekla, but those require a lot of planning.

Plans for next month: So I definitely want to start a new series similar to the huntress, woman & four legged friend(s) relationship, intimacy all that stuff... I'm really not sure about the story yet. I have received a few suggestions so I might try to put a story together based on some of your ideas or just pick one I like. Also, I would love to make it fully voice acted but then I'll probably have to delay it a little bit and come up with another video idea at the start of next month. Another video I definitely want to make is a succubus or a deer race themed video, since those were very popular in the race voting. I'm leaning towards the succubus but we'll see, will most likely include monsters (troll, goblins or something). I'm slowly running out of horse animations though lol, I try to make at least one video with horses each month, I believe next month will be no different. I think I won't be making another video like this with so many characters in May, there was 2 this month and it looked like most of you preferred videos with more intimacy/less characters ^^

Link to video (pixeldrain)

Link to video (google drive)

Appreciate all the support, I hope you'll have a great day or night, whatever time you are reading this.




Sounds all good. I absolutely loved the first video you did with a VA so don’t worry if it takes longer when it comes to using a VA, if it gets delayed then it’s delayed. I completely understand. That’s just me, I don’t know about everyone else. Also don’t worry about the horse animations as well. I know that there’s not than many animations when it comes to the animals in general. It’s fine if it comes to having to reuse some of the same animations.


Great video loved it.


oh hell yeah! To be honest though, I still haven't made it all the way through beast club pt. 1, it's just too good ;)


Really good video. I particularly liked seeing Ciri with the swollen belly and the mention if impregnation. Also nice to see Skeevers getting a bit of attention. I know horse video's are popluar, but in my opinion they are a dime a dozen and I for one could do with a break from them for a bit. An idea for a Succubus video could be where a Necromancer summons her with the intention of having her mate with a monster he's acquired in order to breed even more creatures for him to control.


Thanks, I have already kind of figured out a scenario for the succubus vid but I'll include some summoning part for sure ^^


Great videos


I would like to congratulate you for this video, I didn't like part 1, but part 2 was a gigantic evolution in my opinion. Even though I prefer a more intimate video, your work was wonderful, I can only praise. Take care


Really nice variety, and skeevers! The ending was really well done.


Your Ciri model looks amazing, it was a pleasant sight to see her, and on top of that, It was a really satisfying movie, and i woulnd´t mind seeing more of her again tbh :)


Ciri was ported by shinglescat so credits to them, it's a bit hard to place characters such as ciri in a skyrim vid, it just feels weird to me lol. But I'll probably include her as a side character in some videos


I love dog forces fu** girl


As a fan of group debauchery content, this series is excellent!