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Took me a few hours but I got everything uploaded to dropbox, the mega folder is no longer accessible since my account has been terminated. I know that some of you had problems with mega, hopefully dropbox will perform better for everyone. I just uploaded the videos so maybe some of them are still not fully processed, I was able to watch most of them without a problem, if you try to skip a few minutes then it will take some time to load depending on your internet speed, but it should be fine. Still I recommend downloading at least the full length videos for the best experience ^^

Google drive is still there as an alternative, the links can be found inside the dropbox folder.

Dropbox folder link 

Password: B879JKQ5

Let me know if you can't access the folder for some reason!

As usual you can expect 2 more vids this month, I started working on both of them and I'm very close to finishing the one with the elves & rieklings. Will probably finish it in ~2 days.



I did the test and managed to get in without any problems.


I'm fine with this change lol learning to sync to mega was abit of a pain and forget where my mega folders are located if I don't use it every few weeks. I'm old-school and would prefer just downloading straight haha.