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So yeah I know that dogs, horses and giants are the most popular (I think) but there are quite a lot of creatures I have never made a video with. I will list the aforementioned creatures as well. Just choose your favorites! Personally I really want to make a video with Rieklings and Lizardmen in the future.

By the way, I managed to talk with a voice actress and she already started recording the script for the next video, I have honestly no idea how this is going to turn out. I have never made a fully voice acted video in skyrim but if the video performs well then I will be sure to do more in the future. Script should be ready in a few days and then I can start recording/editing. (Gonna be a horse video)

Also I have found a few interesting custom races for females, I will also do a poll about that.

Anyway curious to see how this turns out! I hope I didn't miss anything important from the poll, also feel free to comment if you wanna share your thoughts. Hope you all have a great day.



I definitely prefer the more humanoid ones but I’m definitely looking forward to the female race poll, I think it would be cool to see more variety in race plus shapes and sizes


Interesting results, didn't expect werewolves to be that high but it's a nice surprise. Rieklings getting some love as well, apart from canine and horses the rest is pretty even I would say. Thanks for the votes, I'll be trying to be more active with polls and other stuff this month!


I picked horses because that was the first animation I saw, and I liked how the jiggle physics were used to illustrate a difficult penetration. Plus the it was already ahead in the poll.


If it wasn't I would have picked either Lizardmen or the smoll guys. Lizardmen for the sort of corruption/mild body horror of a female human maybe getting pregnant by a Lizardman but instead of having a bb she lays eggs. Similar with Lizardmen, goblins are hot from the perspective that all female humanoid wombs are fair game a la Goblin Slayer. The little beasts are at a near perfect crotch sniffing height and their noses tend to be long and phallic in most interpretations, making them giving a woman head a bit more obscene. For a blend of both egg laying and smoll guys, check out a video called "Erin Grey Back in The Day" on x Ham stir for a good example for a porn setup.


I will take anything that can have variety of plausible positions aka don't look children's toys moving with a dick. Cough* not Horses.


I'd love to see something ending in pregnancy and maybe a clip of the happy family afterwards. Just my weird 2cents.


Horses will always be my top pick, I never get tired of seeing girls taking horses in every way. If your looking for some suggestions for videos regarding horses I’m just gonna jot down some of my personal ideas that if I had talent I would make myself. 1. A woman and her stallion off on an adventure, where she tends to his ‘needs’ whenever and where ever he wants it, even in the middle of town to the shock of locals. 2. A woman who owns a stallion stable and milks them for their ejaculate, like a dairy farm, and sells the ‘horse milk’ in the market which is a huge hit and a hot seller, with everyone none the wiser of its origin. Of course she enjoys it herself which is why she decided she could sell it for a good profit. I’m sure the stallions don’t mind. 3. A woman taking a wild stallion, but instead of roping it and breaking it in by riding it, she uses her nature given means of taming any male. But maybe gets tamed herself by the end.


I had a similar idea to your 2nd suggestion, will try to do something like that in the future


My personal favorite of the 3 I listed, I’m glad great minds think a like. Stallion milking farm was my proudest achievement in rimworld. My female colonists had a unending supply of protein shakes lol.


Do you have a discord server CHRS?


Nope I don't really have one, I was thinking of making one but I don't think most people would care about it. If some of you want me to make one I can do it but not sure what purpose it would serve


Ogres and Trolls person favorites, and why not add knife ears to a chick in the future?


More giants ogres big cock using the babes as cocksleeves