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Hey, back with the first video this month. Originally I wanted to make a full version for the short video called "Horse Nightmare" but I came up with this story so I just went with it. It's voiced for the most part, I did add some text as the characters' thoughts just to help with the story.

A little bit about the character and the story (or you can just watch the video, the story is pretty easy to follow): Her name is Anna, she's a beggar in Riften. She lives on the streets and really wants a change in her life, thus she decides to go out of town hoping for something good. Outside the town a woman who owns the stables spots her and offers her some gold if she can help her keep the stables clean. She cleans up nicely and gets paid. With the gold she just earned, Anna goes back to the market and gets herself some food, drink, clothes and rents a room for the night. The next day she decides to visit the stables again, asking for more work... but little did she know the stable owner had a secret relationship with her horses.... and she wanted to share a horse with Anna... but Anna refused and went home. (That would be the happy ending, but that's not what happened lol).

There is also some extra clips at the end, unedited mostly. I might include more of that in future videos, I always end up with extra unused clips. Overall I'm very happy with the video, I think there are some cool scenes in it. Might be the best video I've done with horses. Only thing I don't like about making videos with horses is that I think the animations lack variety, there is a few great ones but most of them are all the same position. I'm not saying the animators are doing a bad job or anything, they are all making great animations it's just that 4 legged creatures with no hands will always have less possible positions for sex scenes, but it is what it is ^^

I'll start working on the huntress part 2 tomorrow, a lot of people asked for that. Also will have a poll about video length and quantity pretty soon, I think 10 minute videos aren't giving me enough options for story and variety. I would rather post 3 vids a month that are closer to 20 mins in length than 4 10 minute videos, but that's just my thoughts. Still not sure about the 3rd video I'll do, feel free to share your ideas in the comments or message me.

Link to video (as always, video can be found inside the mega folder)

Hope you enjoy, let me know if there was something you didn't like about the video and I'll try to improve. Peace




Love it. Appreciate the extra stuff at the end. If it's already recorded might as well use it somehow haha. Just 1 thing. Could you separate the subs for future videos so they are toggleable? I have an ultrawide monitor and I'd like to fullscreen the video but I can't cause then the subs get cut off.


3 video of 20mins are the best. You can put a good story in the beginning like that one with anna! I hope animator will developpe more sex position with horses! HOPE to see more variation with 2horses on girl.


Really well done! Would love a bit more inflation then i would be very happy


The voice dialog between Anna and the stable girl felt really smoothe and natural, there where some voice line that even i didnt knew exists, that alone must had taken some time to finde in the game. :) And the climax sound was really satisfying, im looking forward to your next movie, but you had me a bit worried about having some health issues, i hope it isnt too serius. Health must always come first, weahter it be physical or mental. nonetheless you created a great movie, but dont stress yourself out or over do it, for that it will drain the motivation out of you mate :)


Hmmm I think if I put the subs a little bit higher that will also work right?


It would but then it would cover the screen for everyone else.


Thanks for the comment, turns out I have "heart murmur" but doctors said it's nothing life threatening but thanks for worrying ^^ Also dealing with a cold so it's not a good combo but it's fine. I'm definitely not stressing myself with these videos though, I enjoy working on them and there is still plenty of motivation


There is usually not a whole lot of text, I don't think it would cover a lot. Honestly I'm still experimenting with the subtitles, especially if there is no voiced dialogue and it's just the characters thoughts. I never know where to put those


Think I agree with you on being the best horse video you’ve done, this was very well made, the way you used the in game dialogue was very smart. Especially loved the part where she gets her ready for the horse. Hope there will be a second part in the future, would love to continue seeing what else the two girls do together with horse.


Great video. I just wanted to ask: How comes you omit the 2nd part of the 3rd table animation, where the girl pushes the Horse D!ck away?


"it's just that 4 legged creatures with no hands will always have less possible positions for sex scenes". Amen. That's why anything with arms is better than horses-Fing Variety.