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Hey, finally finished this video... I honestly didn't expect this to be a 30 minute video in the end, I had to work on it everyday for many hours to finish it in time. I feel like I made the story part way too long, but I enjoyed doing it. I don't think I'll be doing more videos this long, I think a good 15-20 minutes is the sweet spot.

There is both human and creature stuff in this one but it's definitely more creature focused. Also, if you watch the full video you'll see near the end it says "Day 1". I was thinking I could continue with different creatures in a new video, kind of like a part 2 but it's day 2 instead. I'll think about that more later. (this one has werewolves)

As always, feedback is appreciated, even if the creatures in this video aren't your favorite let me know your thoughts about the video overall. I've seen the comments and also some people sent messages to me so now I have a pretty good idea of what most of you want to see. 

I already started working on the next video, it will be similar to the short "Horse Nightmare" video that I did, but the story will be different and it will include more people. The next vid I have in mind is The Huntress part 2 (the vid itself is called Huntress & Her Wolf). And I'm still thinking about the 3rd and 4th video. Depending on the length of the videos I may or may not make a 4th one, longer videos are obviously more time consuming.

Also, I didn't expect this many people to support me here, seriously thank you all. I hope most of you were satisfied with the videos I made this month, I'm still experimenting a lot.

Link to the video 

Can be found inside the full length videos folder.




Loved it and would also be happy with a part 2! Can't wait to see the upcoming ones, always happy to see some anal as well personally 8)


human for me with skyrim is dull, except when its orgy or gangbang. I think monsters are cool but bestiality better But i think you must put more sexposition and less time focus position itself


very nice movie. It's nice that you paid more attention to a monster and not to humans. I also like the day-by-day idea. Personally, I like the best when you show the entire character and not the approximation, but you know the matter of taste :) congratulations once again for a great movie :)


Nice one, werevolves aren't my favorite but they are pretty good. For me basically bigger dick = better lol. I love how wild some of the werevolf animations are. Really helps sell the scenario. For these multi part stories I really like when the scenario gets progressively worse so I think a giant, lurker or something similar would be nice to see. :)


Thank you. You mean show the entire character in scenes more often? I don't know why I'm so obsessed with close ups lol, I think they can look cool but maybe I'm overdoing it.


Yeah I'm still unsure if people like a variety of positions or is it better to have less positions from many angles. I'll be trying more positions in other videos for sure.


The viking music really gave an awsome atmosphere of the companions, hell you even gave Aela more personality than the game itself, the vioce dialogs were very well placed.


You're basically consistently putting out some of the highest quality Skyrim smut, cheers


Thank you I appreciate that, I'll continue as long as I enjoy making these videos ^ ^


i renewed my tier watch only but 2 videos an that was it becuase of mega stupid limit im honestly not trying pay extra money just to watch or let alone download the videos kinda give me a head ache every time i click resume mega wants me to join the plan but i have no plan to keep mega unless im looking at something i want or want to watch im all out of plans to bypass those plans do you have a alt plan then mega plan? please reply this is the only video i couldn't watch man


Hey, if you want I can upload the video somewhere where you can watch or download it, I just don't really know a lot of other sites I could use to host these kind of videos. Let me know if you have some ideas and i'll upload it tomorrow