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Hi everybody! Hope you are doing well! Nearly half of July has passed and I have no clue where it's gone. That's kind of scary, huh? Anyways, I have a few housekeeping updates on how I'm running my page, plus a few announcements! Please read to the end for all the important stuff :) 

Poll Time Results and Changing Offices Reboot

The latest poll's winner is... the Changing Offices Reboot! This means that the main focus for August will become a reboot of the Changing Offices comic. This comic seems to be a favourite of many because it absolutely destroyed the poll! 

My original Changing Offices comic was approached when I had very little experience in comics making. My original intention was always to make it an overarching almost soap opera-ish. Please consider the original version to be a draft, or a pilot of the story that I'm hoping to create. If you haven't had a chance to read the old comic or missed the time when it was on here, I have uploaded the SFW images from previously here. :) The new comic will feature the same themes, but have a longer overall story.

A Note About Comics

On the subject of comics, I have decided that all colour comics moving forward will be Supporter gifts.  They'll be available to all tiers, with some bonuses and variants for the NSFW work tiers :) 

The reason for this is double-barreled - comics are extremely time-consuming to create, especially with the amount of effort I put into them (I wish someone had told me that earlier 😹 colour comics are like a death wish unless you're a full-time artist which I am not). I also want to reserve them for the people who are helping me achieve my art dreams, and it is the best way I can think of giving back.

I'll occasionally post previews publicly, but never entire stories - please be sure to save the images that you like!

Last month and this month, I tried creating date schedulers (like little menus of what's coming in the next month for public and private with specific dates). Unfortunately, I will no longer be continuing this practice - my real life work is currently too stressful and demanding for something so inflexible and I really prefer flexibility and spur-of-the-moment drawings vs. very detailed planning right now. I can't tell when I'll be working an evening, or losing my drawing time due to work "emergencies". 

This month's schedule will continue as originally planned - just prefer some freedom and flexibility when it comes to what I create and when. I will still always give updates on here, try my best to update weekly, and let everybody know what they can look forward to in the coming weeks - just not in a strict deadline format :)

As always, thank you for your support! 😺


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