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Just chatting :3

Today, Posting AI pictures was finally temporarily banned on a major Japanese illustration subscription site. (PixicFANBOX, Fantia, Ci-en) In addition to that, DLsite, a website for selling doujinshi, has also banned the sale of AI picture today. Maybe similar site FANZA will take the same move imo. And it seems that Patreon has also started a survey on how to deal with AI.

In Japan, AI drawing was initially valued as a great tool. But it is now tremendously disreputable because it was often used by aggressive people to harass artists. For example generating lewd art by learning specific artists who do not draw lewd pic, and then selling them...

How is AI art valued in your country? I know basically AI art is disliked everywhere now (maybe?), but I wanna know more real story. I wonder what people think of AI art on SNS, forums, or something in your country.

Needless to say, I have no plans to use them at all. Because I think it's more important how much fetish and idea is packed into a pic than how technically good it is ;D

Let me know if you have time :3



I think A.I as a tool is fun to use but people use it maliciously and are very rude on how they use it. It's a tool at the end of the day.


Well what I see online especially on stuff like Instagram people post ai art pretending it isn’t but everyone seems to know and comments. Just disliked but I haven’t seen any bans or anything myself. This is Australia


It's about the same here but personally I'm okay with it. I use it to help visualize ideas I have if I don't have the skill to really draw it. Like for example I had this idea for a dragon god but I didn't know how to make him look so I tried a few potential ideas until I landed on one I liked. As long as you don't try to pass it off as art you made or claim to be an "ai artist" it's fine. Also you cam just make dumb funny stuff with it like Terry Bogard in a Subway :)

Orion d'Arkus

2 camps of people: those that hate it because it's basically stealing artbut now heavily automated, and those that love it because they don't have to learn to draw to attempt to make a profit


So long as you don’t pass it off as their own art I’m fine with it, it’s a neat tool to use if you’re in a slump and use it as a way to get poses and scenery as references on something.


I think it can be useful for reference only but not used to be posted as actual artwork, overall not the biggest fan


In the US a lot of artists are complaining that AI is stealing their art or their art style and is taking away their commissions and jobs. Personally I do think it is a good tool to get ideas or to come up with a concept and then work on that art yourself and make it your own but I can see why people are upset with AI art for sure.


We see a lot of it in America, no one is really looking at the issue right now so anyone who wants to use it just can. There are also a lot of dishonest ppl who will just claim it to be their own work when it is not. Really hope there is some regulation for it in the future or at least a requirement to state that it’s AI art. As long as you’re using it as a tool for fun and stuff it’s probably fine though.


AI artwork is pretty much hated in America. Most artists find it super lazy, immoral, and pretty limited in terms of style. Plus, when it comes to more realistic generation, some people are using it to create convincing nudes of real women without their consent.


There’s also the fact that a piece of AI generated media can’t be copyrighted over here. Someone published a graphic novel written and illustrated by an AI and he lost all the rights to it.


It's similar here in the US, at first it was seen as something that could help artists, but then abused by people who saw it as an easy way to get art without paying artists - "feed" their pictures into the AI, then say "make this character in their style." I hope they have some regulations here soon regarding that. I see AI stuff like this as any other tool, like a hammer - you can use a hammer to build a house, or bash in someone's skull to take their house. One of these is good, one of these is bad.


Generally disliked if not hated by most artists, as their work can be stolen and used without their say and it’s unregulated. There also the possibility of it taking much needed work from artists by companies that want to get art for projects cheaper. It can have a place in society as a place for brainstorming but at the moment without restrictions and guidelines it’s too easy to abuse.


It’s disliked in the US. It usually produces stuff that just feels wrong and flat.


Its a great tool that has great potential, but it is like the gun. Bad people abuse it, and unfortunately, far too many people abuse it for it to have a good look.


In the US, and I personally dislike it. So does some of my other friends do as well. Art is suppose to have creative freedom and people can express themseleves through it. It's always fun seeing different art styles (you being one if them) and seeing how tyhey convey characters. AI as for art isn't great to show that creative freedom. It could kill a lot of careers as well take away genuine pieces made by genuine humans. While AI does make things easier and great tool to make things more efficient, it should be limited to a degree.


Ive seen people getting amused by chatgpt but aside from that I havent really seen much presence of it in this country (Norway). Then again I havent read much news lately XD


it has a strongly negative public image in the west, even before it had in japan I think


Actual artists hate it in the USA, and everyone who can't draw loves it because it's a shortcut


Personally I find it useful more as a tool to get a baseline visual of a concept that I can take to the artists I commission, because when I can show them that it makes it easier to dial in the exact thing Im looking for and gives the artist a decent reference to have to work with

Malachi B Casad

All I remember is Shoeonhead talking about how the robots could take our jobs but not our anime tiddy, and then they did


AI art is neat, but it's definitely overrated


People in my country (United States) who don't commission artists view drawn art as a novelty. They enjoy it but won't go out of their way to pay for it. AI being used in place of human artists is just seen as a natural step or cost saving measure. It's another story if you ask about their own living.


It is true. Tool is tool. In the current situation, people who don't have a heart have become conspicuous... :(


Instagram is pretty much in that situation right now. There are so many repost without permission and undeclared AI posts. I hope Instagram do something about it. :(


Frankly, if it hadn't gotten so much bad press, if it had been regarded as a normal tool, I would have tried to use it... Now, if artist accidentally use it, they could get burned D:>


True. The Japanese doujinshi selling sites are in such a bad situation right now that we can't even do a proper search because of the flood of AI. AI has spread as just an easy money-making tool among people who think only of business. D*>


Hmmm, you have a point. Perhaps I hated it a little too much. Maybe I'll touch it a little too :O


>useful for reference This is really true. They are very useful when viewed as reference for drawing. AI can bring out things that we would never find in a normal photo. ;D


In the US, is it likely to proceed to regulation? For example, with English-speaking illustration sites, Artstation and others now seem to be swallowed by the flood of AI I think... :o


>Really hope there is some regulation So the situation in the US is the same as in Japan... And probably within a year, it will no longer be possible to tell the difference between handwriting and AI... D:>


>convincing nudes of real women yeh, this is really problem. In Japan, many people are even trying to make money by creating and selling child porn. Since monetization in Japan has been banned, they will probably take place on foreign patron sites in the future D:> >lost all the rights to it. After all, USA moves fast. I didn't know it was supposed to be that way >;D


>"feed" their pictures into the AI, then say "make this character in their style." oh... it is same at all even in japan. Bad people don't seem to be much different in any country ;( >I hope they have some regulations I hope so, but I wonder if AI company really can...🤔


>It can have a place in society as a place for brainstorming Seriously, it's a really useful tool for thinking! Even in art! But it's really sad that there are people who would abuse it if we allow it to happen... :(


>feels wrong and flat. I don't know why AI-generated pictures are so instantly recognizable. I'm sure it's technically a very good picture, but in the end I'm like, "Oh, AI...". D:>


Right now, we are only talking about art, but if it is introduced more and more in various fields in the future, something huge will happen... D:>


>kill a lot of careers The sad thing is that even on drawing sites such as pixiv, I often see people who had been working hard to draw own art have switched to AI generation... I think a picture filled with love and fetish is better than a picture that is just good, even if it is technically bad... ;D


yeh! Chatgpt is interesting. I made an effort to get them to write an lewd novel the other day lol xD


Even if the public image is not good, it often happen that it be introduced more and more. Japan has taken various steps to ban this time, but I was wondering how things are really going overseas. :o


Oh, yes, that might be a good way. Sometimes I can't understand client's intentions at all, even with commissions xD It would be nice if it could be used as such a useful tool...


But looking at the recent evolution, it's going to be huge by the end of this year... >:o

ohasi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 20:52:39 Oh~... In the US, I wonder if it means that people who are only thinking about money haven't jumped on the AI generation yet? I feel AI-generated pic are disliked, but there seems to be a little difference in the degree of dislike between Japan and the U.S.... >:o
2023-05-12 07:49:02 Oh~... In the US, I wonder if it means that people who are only thinking about money haven't jumped on the AI generation yet? I feel AI-generated pic are disliked, but there seems to be a little difference in the degree of dislike between Japan and the U.S.... >:o

Oh~... In the US, I wonder if it means that people who are only thinking about money haven't jumped on the AI generation yet? I feel AI-generated pic are disliked, but there seems to be a little difference in the degree of dislike between Japan and the U.S.... >:o

Malachi B Casad

It's a she, and it was a long video talking about recent news from around the world. The AI portion is at about 48:20 https://youtu.be/yM093qsjwOw


Maybe, haven't seen it used a whole lot publicly, a few Instagram accounts here and there to try to make money using it, to varying degrees of success


I mean it's like looking up poses to use as references for me.


I think most companies are looking to jump on AI to replace people. We actually have a Writer's strike going on right now affecting the production of a lot of TV shows. But people here much prefer art made by people over AI stuff.


I find it’s split down the middle either they’re strongly against it (because of the unethical data collection methods of all of these companies) or they’re completely smooth brained A-holes who defend the companies and fully and completely disregard any and all worries about abuse and exploitation by these companies. |. |. I enjoy the idea of ai generators of various kinds, and look forward to all the cool stuff that comes from it…. But there needs to be laws put in place to prevent these companies from violating the intellectual property of artists (completely ruing several things from their lively hood, their intended message, and the uniqueness of a person personal art) and the exploitation of everyone’s data, personal info, and privacy over all. |. If the laws and stuff preventing those things were passed and their data was forced to be opt in, then I’d switch sides and be all for it.