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I feel uncomfortable with the face I draw lately🤔




Wow so many lovely eyes, excellent work!


Loving Coli expression 😍 amazing sketches


Aw rlly? Well from what I see I think they look nice


What makes you uncomfortable?


Really great eyes!!


I enjoy the faces, what i might suggest is maybe experimenting with more creative designs? Go into the less human looks?


I hope these eye put on my face I draw🥺 It it difficult...


Hmmm, Maybe my eye/brain goes wrong?🤔 or too much care...


Perhaps maybe overthinking it? Idk how you feel tho, maybe try to just sketch with out putting too much effort and see how that turns out and then compare maybe


Entire face! A week ago, I was having fun drawing pretty faces without thinking about anything else, but in the last few days, I feel like there is something wrong and I can't find a way to fix it! Well I know this is just one of cycle about drawing. Well, most of the time, when I get through these stressful times, there is a lot of growth ;D

ohasi (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 16:29:54 >creative designs? Indeed, I always draw the same characters. I suppose I need to draw something else, as you say <:D thanks!
2022-09-27 02:55:33 >creative designs? Indeed, I always draw the same characters. I suppose I need to draw something else, as you say <:D thanks!

>creative designs? Indeed, I always draw the same characters. I suppose I need to draw something else, as you say <:D thanks!


For what it's worth, I think they look good! I hope they become more satisfying for you to draw soon ❤️