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Oh Shun. You should do what makes you happy. Remember you create your audience, not the other way around. Be happy, do the art that you want to make you happy. Some may not like it, but the only person whose happiness you can control is your own. That's who you should focus on.


And never, ever apologize to us for doing what you want to do. ❤❤❤❤❤

Denise Kipple

Sweetest nephew your art is amazing & growth in new directions is necessary. I loved it as much as the kawaii chibi’s. You can do it all & even add in new styles as you expand the wonderful talent you have. ::💕hugz💕::


I love you so much Auntie M 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 I would love to do it all, that was what I was planning.. Maybe in the future I can go back to exploring more of my style I hope.. But thank you for always being here for me through it all, it makes me feel lucky and blessed to have you in my life, it makes me happy to really be here at the same time as you 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 There are good things ahead 💖💖

Spazure Stoneheart

As always Bun, the best art will always be what you feel like doing at the time. Try to shut out the thought of what the fans want and follow your heart — we’ll be with you 🩵


Thank you Azure..💙💙💙💙💙 *Big hugs* 💙💙 Im trying my best, it is a hard choice but im happy that you are here and looking out for me ;u; I had quite a whirlwind of emotions today but your presence blesses me so 💙💙 thank you so much, I will follow my heart 💙💙💙


When you have a large enough fanbase, there's no change that will please everyone. It doesn't mean you should stagnate and only stick to the original thing that got you a following.


Ack, didn't mean to submit that. Still have more to say. How do I make a newline on mobile?


I liked the change! If I had to chose one thing I love about content creators is seeing them grow and evolve at what they do. It makes you feel more like a person I can relate to!


Viz ;w; 💕❤💕❤ Thank you so sso so much, i was afraid because honestly I wasn't expecting people from other communities like the DDLC one to understand my change.. its not like im abandoning my previous style but i did want to get outside the box and explore a little bit.... thank you for seeing that i want to evolve until i get it right.. your words fill me with hope 💕❤💕❤💖💖💖💖💖💖


OK, I'm going to put my mom hat on for a minute (I have a 12-year-old so I earned the hat, I promise). ;-) Do not ever apologize for being true to yourself. Ever. It is not your job to please other people, or to do what they expect, or to be who you think they want you to be. You are not responsible for how other people feel. You are YOU, and anyone who cares about you would never want you to be anyone else. That includes me. Your art is for you. We're just along for the ride. Not everyone will love everything you do. That's OK. It just means that, maybe, they were not the people that particular piece was meant to reach. There are others to whom it will speak volumes. Think about authors or bands who change up their styles. I saw one of my favorite bands this weekend whose first album came out over 25 years ago (wow I am old). They've experimented with all different styles over the years. Some I've liked, some I haven't been a huge fan of, but it doesn't matter - they create what they need to create. And they have grown and are better than ever because they took risks and changed things up. I don't know you but I have really come to care about you through your art. You have so much to give and you have helped so many people. Have faith in yourself, and know that we have faith in you as well. Sending you courage and cyber hugs. :-) (And I will try really hard not to lecture any more...it is hard to take off the mom hat sometimes, LOL!)


Steph thank you so much, you've been here with me going on 3 years so I think you know me enough to know I dont mean any harm with my art changes. 💕❤💕❤💕❤ It is refreshing and healing to me to have your words. I did have a little bit of a cry earlier but I feel much better and putting it in the perspective that you have put it in makes me feel so grateful for what I do have.. I know I cant please the world but I guess I still have some growing up to do despite my efforts of doing my best.. Thank you so much for caring for me enough to reinforce me and the example you gave me with the band has opened my eyes as well.. I should really try to work that into my mind and move accordingly but I know that will take time. I am working to have more courage ;w; it wasnt a lecture it felt like a wake up call to me.. thank you so much Steph **Biggest cyber hugs** I needed that mothers touch to round out my day, im blessed to have you here 💕❤💕❤💕❤