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So usually my upload schedule is daily and all but I suddenly had to get rushed to the ER some four days or so ago due to me piling stress on myself and loading up on tons of aspirin to get these done and  has finally caught up to me and nearly took me out of here.. it sucks being away like this but I wanna be back to my standard stuff but do it in a healthy way of there are any typos in this pls excuse it.. but I wanna say thank you all for hanging in there with me I love you so much and I'll do better next time around 💕💕




Please don’t ever worry about us! Take the time you need for YOU. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Get some rest and know we have your back. ❤️

Geoff Clarke

Just echoing everyone else: your health is the most important thing. Please take whatever time you need.