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Just some accumulated sketches for you guys! 

The first is a redo of the weretober 2021 tiger piece. Wanted to try and get a more dynamic and action-y pose. 

Next are just some pose practice pages (moos of course lol) 

Lastly is just a sketch of Reighli handing out some sass... 😂 Partly inspired by some conversations with some friends lol

Also, I've been going back and looking at some older sketches lately, and finding that there's a lot of material that is prime for painting. So, If you guys ever find something that you think might be cool getting and update, or just get a paint job in general, just let me know! Can't guarantee I'll get to it, but it's always great to get feedback nonetheless! 😁

Finally, I just wanted to apologize for the gap in posting. Last week I slipped and fell on some snowy stairs while carrying my 65lb dog (kind of a long story, but essentially he has a bit of a paw sprain). So yeah, luckily Arlo was fine, but I definitely screwed up my upper back and neck as a result. After some resting and going to physio a few days afterwards, it's settled down, and I'm back to drawing. Pretty sure I'm over it at this point, but I wanted to take the time to recuperated before doing too much, and also let you guys know what was up.

Thank you guys again for your patience! Hope you guys enjoy the sketches! 😊

*Just adding this in, because it seems a few people didn’t get a notification




Glad you're feeling better, broski! Excellent work, always a pleasure to see your stuff!


Great Work, Mr. Taran! Good to know you’re feeling better.

Marshall William

You should give that hilarious Moon Moon falling sequence that you did last year a paint over. 😂