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-Testing the waters-

A bit of a different route for the technique on this one. I wanted to try to get a more traditional feel in my workflow, so I did everything on a single layer (including the Background). Besides that, I also went with colour for this one, because I wanted to see how I'd do after all of those weretober pieces (only this time, no chromatic aberration and layering to help out 😂)

Gotta say it was fun though! A bit challenging to start, and I had to get over that fear of sketching on a solid block of value. But after that, things got way more comfortable, and I started to get back into a flow for the rest of the piece.

We'll see how this affects future Minovember pieces 😁

Thanks again, and enjoy!




This is so good Taran! I love the color and pose. Great work man! 👍


Stop making me want more moo pieces smh [Its very pretty Tarn.] Amazing that you did it in one layer!