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Silkie Chimken 😌

Tomorrow is the Sunbear!


I wasn't happy with a lot of things on this guy, so I made some tweaks. Colour was the main thing. the first version was just very muddy and wasn't at all what I was going for. Switching that to a complimentary colour scheme (oranges and yellows with the blues and cyans) seems to have resolved that. Also, there was just WAY too much small texture in the feathers, making the whole surface look choppy and not giving any more solid areas for the eye to rest on. So to fix that, I smoothed out certain areas as well and just hinted at textures along the transition points between light and shadows.

 Also made a few design fixes: making the bend in the ankle more noticeable to show that he's digitigrade, the hand gestures, the new feed bag, longer neck and some changes to the wings, to name a few.
But yeah, much happier with it now xD

Thanks again 




Those tweaks make a heck of a lot of difference! Thanks for sharing your rationale on them!

Bobby boi

It’s fascinating how you work things out. I still think the older version is cool, but this new one is even better! Great work Taran!!✨