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He guys! So just a heads up, I'll be starting on the first prompt tomorrow morning at 7:30 AM PST, and will be streaming it on Youtube. (same as last year) 

With that said, I won't be streaming all of them this time. The last two times where I did, it just took too much out of me for those events. So I'm gonna do the first day, and I'll do one a week from then on, and then also the last one (still debating if it's gonna be the bat or the woerm 😂) but either way, it's gonna be a fun month!

Thanks again, and Happy Weretober! 🐺🌕✨



Hey that's good man! I am glad you are limiting yourself this time. Woerm would be pretty funny-


Looking forward to the streams! Woerm gang all the way 💯