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And he's done! Bront is the guy I'll be playing as (for hopefully a longer while) in Dnd. Already played as him once and it was a really fun time!

But yeah, this'll be his final look (at least for now lol) I may do a few more headshots for expressions at some point, but I think this is good enough for the moment, and gives a clear idea of what he looks like. I know that if he survives for a while, I'd like to have some of his features change a bit, like with the mane look from one of the earlier sketches. But for now, he is babeh, so he's gotta look the part lol

That's it for now, but hopefully I'll be drawing more of him in the future! Thanks again guys, and Enjoy!




I know there's been a lot of talk about his "mane" but it looks like you leaned him out a bit from his original sketch, which I think also helps make him look like a younger warrior. Very interesting to watch this design process play out.