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These show some test data sets from the shoot (it's still training - more on that later), sculptures in the making and some bts shots of me as Athena

no sharing please! x




Hi Marianna, this looks incredible! I look forward to seeing the outcome of the AI training. Would you mind sharing which AI platform you are using? I would be interested to know. Thanks!


Thanks Elisabetta! yes of course, this is made using a model called styleGAN. Here's a link to explain how it works: https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/05/stylegan-explained-in-less-than-five-minutes/ It benefits from having similar footage (subject facing the same direction, locked off camera, etc) it then trains on the images and tries to rebuild them to a realistic level. The surprises and mistakes are the best part for me, like where my face turns into a bunch of grapes and so on. Other models I played around with were 'VQGAN' and 'diffusion models'. This all sounds like a headache... because it is! I am working with Arash Akbari (https://www.arashakbari.com/) who is proficient in custom AI. I'm fascinated by the way this open source technology is growing exponentially and I'm learning a lot, fast! :)