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Hello Nestlings, Fledglings, Juveniles and Beasts 🐣🐥🐦🦅

Firstly, apologies for my silence. I am in the deep dark depths of multiple productions and I am fucking swamped!! I owe you all a January session and so I have some treats for you. 

I will be filming The Severed Tail in the first week of February. As you know, the project remains top secret for now, but I am giving you a sneak peek into the makings of the film. The photo above is the storyboard on the wall of my studio, and here is a for-your-eyes-only link to an extract and some close-ups: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18aY9YxJjhfO4Sxi0F9uSB74dtTn6ePgr?usp=sharing

For this months session, I will be hosting an ask me anything, about the current project or anything else on your mind!! Nothing is off limits, ask me about concept, research, planning, casting, costume and whatever else you can think of. Send me your questions by Monday 24th January in the comments or through the messages and I will post the answers in a video on Tuesday 25th. 

Looking forward to hearing from you

(Mystic) Marianna x




I’d love to know about a project you did when you were in art school/younger that was memorable!


I’d love some book recommendations and just a bit of a ramble about what you’ve been thinking about lately. (Which is not really a question I guess) ☺️