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Tonight (2nd June) I will be speaking to Amy Sherlock, Frieze Deputy Editor about Jonathan Glazer's 'Under the Skin', 2013 and my work. We will speak about setting, skin, the void, female sexuality, love and empathy, music, the fall and more. 

'Under the Skin' has been repeatedly compared to my earlier work and, since watching it, an influence on my later work. I really think that this will be a magic conversation!

The talk is for Frieze members only, however I've managed to wangle you all a private link. Join us here at 7pm BST / 8pm CEST: https://frieze.zoom.us/webinar/register/7416226420967/WN_CmZ1MFLAT5i42iumOJG6Ew 

Marianna x




Thanks so much for sharing the link - the conversation was wonderful!