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This month we pick up were we left off, with Brittany perfecting her blueberry potion with a new test subject.

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Brittany’s Berryifcation

Chapter Two

Story & Characters: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/roushfan5

Art: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/xchiseaxmargaritax

Nathan was exhausted when he got home for work.

The groundsman was easily the biggest and strongest and the crew, so the heavy lifting usually fell to his shoulders. Now, after a long day at work, all the husky could think about was a nice hot shower to work some of the soreness from his muscles, a quick snack, and then a nap. But, as the door to the young man’s apartment swung open, Nathan’s exhaustion disappeared instantly when he noticed a trail of rose petals on the floor. The flowers led straight into the bedroom, and Nathan didn’t need to be a great poet to understand what that likely meant!

Tracking the sweet scent of roses through his home, Nathan quickly kicked off his muddy boots and followed the flower pedals. He smirked as he did so, assuming Jessie was waiting for him. Of his two mates, the petite feline was undoubtedly the most… cinematic when it came to love making. She was deliberate and thoughtful, whereas Brittany was more like a stick of TNT. Yet, when Nathan got to his bedroom, the husky stud was in for a surprise. He found neither one of his mates awaiting him, instead there was a potion bottle resting on Brittany’s pillow.

Curiously, Nathan headed over to the bed, wondering what could be inside the potion bottle. As he picked it up and examined the bottle, Nathan easily recognized it as Brittany’s work. Not that it was difficult, it wasn’t like there was a big crowd to pick from. How many other enchantresses could you list? Nevertheless, it was Brittany’s familiar writing on the bottle’s label and one of her old school glass bottles that looked straight out of a movie. A wax cork stopped holding back the magic trapped inside the round decanter. He held it up to the light, trying to get a better look at it. The contents looked almost like a blueberry smoothie, both in consistency as he moved the vial around and color. Sometimes you could guess what one of Brittany’s potions would do just by looking at it. In this case, Nathan was stumped.

Nathan glanced around the room, seeking out one of his mates or at least some cute as to what was happening. But the husky stud didn’t see Brittany, Jessie, or any other sign of what game was afoot. So, Nathan sat on the bed and waited for whatever was to happen next. Brittany might call herself a submissive, but. Nathan felt a great deal of his time was spent waiting while she schemed and pulled the strings of their love life. Not that was much of a complaint: Nathan would rather have that than a dead bedroom, a million times over!

“Figured it out yet?” Brittany asked, seemingly appearing from nowhere. She stood in the door looking at her boyfriend playfully.

Her bushy tail wagged back and forth, cockily, as if she’d known exactly what Nathan was thinking.

“I… I think I have an idea.” Nathan said softly, the hulking husky suddenly feeling very small and shy as his arousal quickly mounted.

It wasn’t just the potion that was getting him all flustered. Nathan thought Brittany looked outstanding as she stood in the doorway. His curvaceous canine wasn’t dressed up in anything all that special, just a simple t-shirt with the vague shape of her large breasts pushing through. Sleep pants that managed to just cling to the wide swell of her hips. Truth be told, Nathan found that simple outfit sexier than almost anything else she could wear. Even if they’d been dating for three years, sometimes Brittany was just so damn pretty, Nathan couldn’t believe they were dating. The relaxed outfit not only made his sexy girlfriend look so cuddly and comfortable, most importantly it made Brittany feel approachable.

Although, she didn’t look very ‘approachable’ at the moment. Brimming with confidence thanks to her magical breakthrough, his mate entered the room with the most sultry walk Nathan could imagine. She felt like some sort of mythical being rather than his mere mortal girlfriend. Her hips bounced back and forth, making her seem rather cat like, and her breasts seemed to bounce a little higher than normal: an extra spring in Brittany’s step. By the time Brittany reached him, Nathan’s eyes bulged out of his head until they felt fit to burst from his skull. When she bent down to kiss him on the lips, Nathan wondered how much longer his zipper would be able to hold back his raging erection. Nathan couldn’t remember the last time he was this hard.

The kiss was gentle and tender, Brittany’s brown nose rubbing so affectionately against Nathan’s black one. They started by licking each other’s lips, just as two feral dogs might do. Nathan mostly just sat there and allowed his girlfriend to lead the way. This was another unusual set of circumstances in the bedroom. Brittany, albeit a bratty one, was almost exclusively a submissive. For her to take control on the bed was something Nathan was totally unaccustomed to, not to imply it was in any way unwelcome. As their lips locked together, kissing more like humans, and they exchanged a little tongue, Nathan found himself hoping the kiss would never end. He wasn’t even sure if he cared about the berry potion anymore.

“You smell of sweat and two-stroke gas.” Brittany finally whispered in his ear.

“Sorry…” Nathan quickly whimpered, feeling incredibly intimidated and eager to please. “Occupational hazard.”

“Am I making you nervous, sexy?”

“Maybe a little…” Nathan sheepishly admitted.

Brittany laughed and grabbed him by the back of his head in a way that almost had Nathan calling her ‘Mommy’. “My sweet boy.” She cooed. “I don’t mind the two-stroke gas so much.” Brittany giggled, a gear head through and through. “But it’s a little strong. Why don’t you take a shower and meet me in the living room. We’ll probably need the extra room.

Nathan could have asked why she’d led him to the bedroom with rose petals then, but decided that didn’t really matter. “Yes Britt.” Was all he said before standing up and quickly stripping his clothes on the way to the bathroom, prepared to take the fastest shower of his life. Of course, with all that fur to wash, it was no fast affair. But with shampoo still in his fur he quickly threw on a shirt and some shorts and practically ran out to the living room where Brittany was waiting, now naked, as promised.

“So, how do you want to do this?” Brittany asked in a sultry tone.

The husky couple were sitting on the couch, just like they had been on that fateful night three weeks ago. Only this time the TV was off, and they were staring at each other deep in the eye. Well, Nathan broke off eye contact now and again to drink in Brittany’s bare figure.

Nathan shrugged. There had never been a particular fantasy in his head when he had seen all those round, blue girls on the internet. He’d mostly just appreciated the shape of their bodies, and had never really questioned how it happened. “I guess I just wanna see what this new potion of yours does.” He said, not sure if he felt awkward for having the fantasy in the first place, or not having more to share as Brittany seemed to expect him to.

Brittany seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding. Without discussing it further, the enchantress popped the cork from the potion bottle and knocked the whole thing back with one big swig. Brittany’s eyes grew big as the potion splashed against her tongue.

It was the first time she’d personally sampled her most recent creation, and had been wondering how it would taste. She was pleasantly surprised by the flavor, as the elixir was more or less still in its ‘rough draft’ stage. Brittany usually had to spend a great deal of time tinkering with her brews to get them both effective yet palatable for consumption. While her potions weren’t consumed for the flavor, people generally didn’t like it when they had to drink something with the flavor and consistency of mud. In this instance, her elixir already tasted pretty good. In fact, it was probably the best tasting potion Brittany had ever made, completely by accident, almost reminding Brittany of a blueberry muffin. Maybe that was the universe paying her back in some small measure for how much work she’d put in to even make it this far. Or perhaps it was just a tease, right before things were about to go horribly wrong. Either way, she was about to find out very soon. She could already feel the familiar warmth of her magic radiating from her belly outwards.

“Not bad.” She said, dropping the now empty bottle from her lips and rubbing her stomach as she felt the magic churning away inside her. Brittany then turned to her mate with an eager smile tugging on her lips. “Ready big boy?”

“I better be.” Nathan said with a hoarse voice, his tail slowly wagging back and forth with nervous excitement. “Looks like we’re doing this!”

While it was Brittany’s first time personally becoming a berry, the enchantress did have some idea of what to expect based on her extensive testing. Just like it had to all her test subjects, Brittany’s transformation seemed to start at her gut. Her white belly fur was quickly turning a blue color, with a loud gurgling emanating from her stomach. “Oh shit…” she said with a small giggle as pressure started to mount in her belly. Brittany rubbed it tenderly and turned to her expectant boyfriend. “I’m not sure if I’m about to transform or fart!”

“I love it when you talk dirty to me.”

“Shut up.” Brittany responded, shoving Nathan by the shoulder while they both laughed.

Brittany’s stomach, back then still fit and trim, soon began to bloat outwards making room for the berry juice inside: growing round and heavy as well as blue. This helped to alleviate some of the pressure, her body accommodating itself to its new role. However, Brittany only truly felt relief once the transformation continued to other parts of her figure. Brittany’s boobs were the next target, promptly followed by her butt. The husky’s already remarkable bust started to swell outwards, growing blue and heavy, just like her stomach. Her plump, fuckable ass going from figuratively to literally juicy.

In theory, this was not a new experience for Brittany. The husky girl had already been inflated, and on more than one occasion. Still, the berry juice filling her body felt remarkably different. It sloshed around more than she was used to it, particularly as Nathan reached out and began to rub and toy with her swelling body for himself.

“Was it everything you were hoping?” She asked in a sultry tone. She figured she better engage in any dirty talk now before her cheeks could swell and garble his voice like it had to the test subjects. Even now, Brittany was starting to feel some of the weight of the transformation on her body. The weight of all that juice  pressing down on her as she sat on the sofa.

“So far, yes.” Nathan replied in a lustful tone, continuing to tenderly rub his wife’s expanding belly. “I just hope you get even bigger!”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that…” Brittany said teasingly, knowing just how much more growing she had to do. Already, about a minute after taking the potion, the purplish hue of blueberry had spread across most of Brittany’s body. The swelling was now affecting her arms, legs, and even face as her body had to quickly grow to try and contain all the berry juice sloshing around within. All of her subjects had ground much larger than this, practically spherical, by the time they were done, and Brittany had no doubt Nathan would get his wish: his mate certainly would grow much bigger by the time her inflation was done.

Sure enough, slow but steady, Brittany’s body grew larger and larger. The husky’s belly was taking on an incredibly round shape that made her look more and more like a piece of fruit. It was not a perfect spherical shape, Nathan wouldn’t have been able to roll her around the floor like the movie. Her arms and legs, while bloated and heavy with juice, still protruded from her body. Brittany had done this intentionally, as she’d been unwilling to give up complete mobility. Still, her arms and legs matching blue hue to her torso did help them blend in and make her rounder than she really was. The curvaceous canine’s prodigious bust on the other hand was impossible to hide from sight. Each of Brittany’s already massive breasts had quadrupled in size until they were each larger than Nathan’s torso. Jessie could have undoubtedly gotten lost between them!

Nathan was starting to wonder how much larger Brittany could actually grow. As the couch creaked beneath her massive blue butt, seemingly protesting her weight his mind turned to thoughts of the Turn Down for What music video. He could imagine the two of them falling through the floor of their apartment and joining the human family downstairs. It was then, finally, with one last rather ominous creak from her hide, Brittany stopped growing the massive berry girl looked to her boyfriend and put her bloated hand on her engorged, juice filled hip.

“Already jacking off are we?” She asked, questionably. “I hope you’re saving some for me!”

To Be Continued…

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