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Only a month into Brittany's 2022  holiday binge, how are things going? 

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The Great Fattening

M/f, weight gain, dirty talk

Story by: www.furaffinity.net/user/roushfan5

Art: www.furaffinity.net/user/xchiseaxmargaritax

Brittany sighed, deeply, as her round stomach growled for yet more food even though that was probably the last thing she needed. The fat husky was hungry again, even though she’d just eaten an hour ago, but lately Brittany was always hungry all thanks to Nathan. Brittany had only learned this after they’d already been together for a few years, but Nathan was a prodigious Feeder. Quite the cook himself, not only had Nathan grown up in a family where food was often how one said ‘I love you’ he loved fat women. He loved watching Brittany get bigger, her figure fuller and getting sexier with every pound she packed on.

Now, the husky couple in the midst of Brittany’s annual ‘great fattening’ Nathan was up to his old tricks again,  doing his utmost to stimulate her appetite, using a few of Brittany’s own potions against her; not to mention pushing some of her well-learned buttons over the years. As stubborn as Brittany could be, Nathan had a way of getting his way when it was sufficiently important to him. In short, Nathan was doing his best to fatten his wife up… and he was very good at it.

and his wife's ballooning physique was certainly showing off the fruits of his labor.

The Great Fattening was what Nathan called the three-month period that began on October first, covering what Brittany referred to as “The Four Holidays of the Waistline Apocalypse” when glutton seemed to not just be accepted but encouraged. Literal buckets of candy through October, enough gravy to nearly drown in during Thanksgiving, and enough red meat to give a cardiologist night terrors through December. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all gave Nathan the excuse to live out his wildest feeder fantasies. He would stuff Brittany with as many calories as possible, feeding his husky bride as many fattening foods as she could stomach. This, turning the normal ‘holiday weight gain’ many of us experience from an unpleasant outcome of over indulgence into a stated purpose.

If she were honest, Brittany wasn’t entirely on board with her great fattening every year. While, thankfully, there was little long-term adverse effect. A simple Slim Instant potion and Brittany’s excess heft would melt away in the blink of an eye on January 2nd. However, that did little to alleviate the large burden of her heavy weight during the great fattening! The few extra pounds Brittany carried normally throughout the year was one thing, but carrying an entire extra person’s worth of weight was exhausting. None of her clothes seemed to fit, and all the extra pounds seemed to make her the center of attention… even more so than usual! As a matter of fact, there were a few ‘creep shots’ someone had managed to sneak of Brittany about three years ago that still regularly made the rounds of the internet.

On the surface, it seemed like a very innocuous picture. Brittany was just standing in line at a mini mart looking to buy a bottle of Coke. Although, since it was impossible for her wardrobe to keep up during her extreme weight gain, her breasts did burst a little through the neck of the shirt and her great round belly had poked out of the bottom. So far as Brittany could tell, the pic started gaining traction on 4Chan and quickly made the rounds on several internet forms, most of which stood for either the extreme veneration or condemnation of larger people. The commentary ranged from positive notes from people like Nathan, who thought Brittany wore her weight ‘like a queen’ to much more lewd pronouncements, often detailing exactly how they’d fuck her if given the chance. Others went through the usual type of shit people say about fat people, and left notes filled with the usual insults and concern trolling. The negative comments didn’t really get to Brittany, Nathan was the only one whose opinion actually counted. But likewise, the positive crowd didn’t do much to excite her either. She would rather they all shut up and totally forget about the picture!

Even though ‘the great fattening’ was frankly an annoyance, Brittany couldn’t bring herself to tell Nathan ‘no more’. First off, Brittany realized she asked so much of Nathan: her largely vanilla husky husband put up with so many of her kinks, many of them fairly labor-intensive, how could she deny him the once fantasy he seemed to have? Secondly, it was hard for Brittany to deny her inner fat ass and say no to all the yummy food. Last, but certainly not least, Nathan got so horny for ‘fat Brittany’ the husky wondered how long it would be before she said ‘fuck it’ and just allowed Nathan to keep her fat and stuffed all year long.

“Fuck…” Brittany murmured under her breath, the curvaceous canine putting down the box of Halloween decorations she was carrying and leaning against the wall to catch her breath. She was working hard, waddling around the house naked because none of her clothes would fit anymore. She’d been breathing heavily, having to work twice as hard to carry all her extra bulk around, but that was not the reason she’d had to stop to catch her breath! Just thinking about how lustfully Nathan made love to her voluptuous figure made her entire body grow hot with desire. Not even dealing with the annoyance of her massive tummy getting in the way could tamp down on her arousal. She bit her lower lip, and even found herself gently toying with her wet pussy as she checked the clock, wondering when Nathan would return home?

Brittany managed to pull herself together, pushing her fat butt from the wall, but quickly ran into another hurtle: seriously regretting placing the box on the floor. Her massive breasts and even bigger belly made bending over to pick it up almost impossible. Finally, the rotund husky managed to pick up the box and carried it to one of the empty bedrooms they’d added to make sure the penthouse atop Lewd Tower would always be big enough for their growing family. “Finally.” She gasped, clutching her side as she closed the door behind her. The last of the Halloween decorations were put away, and it was only November 3rd! Surely she’d earned a little treat?

Her stomach, yet again growling with hunger, certainly agreed!

The big husky waddled her way to the kitchen, her thick thighs rubbing together and the floor seeming to shake as she walked. Brittany was already wondering what she’d have for an afternoon snack, when she noticed the large plastic pumpkin full of her children’s trick or treat haul sitting on the kitchen counter. Specifically, she noticed an orange Tootsie Roll pop sitting on the very top of the pile: one of her all-time favorites.

Brittany whimpered, without even taking the lolly she felt a pang of guilt over the very idea of stealing her children’s Halloween candy. However, her hunger supercharged by her own magic couldn’t be stopped. She carefully looked right, then left: remembering the feeling of being a kid and sneaking treats when her parents weren’t looking. Brittany hadn’t seen anyone, but no sooner had she picked up the plastic bucket, raiding it for her orange pop, she heard Nathan clicking his tongue disapprovingly from the kitchen.

Brittany jumped a foot into the air, which was rather impressive given how big she had grown. “When did you get home?” Brittany spluttered, once she’d recovered well enough from the shock to speak.

“Don’t worry about me!” Nathan growled, padding over to his wife. His voice almost sounded menacing, but Brittany saw the lust that was burning behind his green eyes. Nathan couldn’t be happier that he’d caught his wife rifling through their children’s Halloween candy. It meant his plans were working better than he could have ever hoped. “Are you such a fat ass you can’t keep your mitts off someone else's food? Not just anyone’s food, stealing candy from your own children! For shame, Brittany.”

Brittany slowly put the plastic pumpkin back down, her cheeks burning beneath her thick husky fur.

She was embarrassed, yes, her hand caught in the cookie jaw: the candy still clutched in her greedy paws as she looked towards her husband in shock over his sudden appearance. But embarrassment wasn’t what caused her cheeks to glow so hotly. Brittany loved dirty talk, what woman didn’t? She especially loved degrading dirty talk, usually the meaner, the better. Sure, she liked all the basic stuff: such as being called ‘bitch’, ‘slut’, ‘fuck pet’, or any of the usual dirty pet names a Master might have for his beloved submissive. This, though, was so much hotter. It was personal, it was undeniable, and most of all she could tell that even though Nathan meant it, he was just as guilty as her. He wasn’t angry, even as he called out her greedy behavior. He was turned on.

“Did I say to put the candy down?” Nathan growled, this time in a much softer voice. Although, whispered right into her ear, he could have screamed it, really. It was as if he were Zeus, summoning thunder directly into her ear: causing her cheeks to burn even hotter and her pussy throb with need.

“Go ahead,” Nathan continued, pressing up against his thick wife and clutching her curvaceous body tightly, sampling her fat ass and massive mammaries with his large paws. “You decided you needed the extra calories that badly, go ahead and eat the candy!”

Brittany was frozen, her mind lost in a fog of indescribable lust, neck craned over her shoulder to stare at Nathan. The husky could feel the heat radiating from her powerful, muscular husband: his manhood as hard as it was large, his erection pressing up against her soft rump. Brittany’s mouth opened and closed as if she was trying to speak, but her brain was seemingly short-circuiting and had robbed her ability to speak: the husky was overwhelmed with lust and desire. It wasn’t until she felt one of Nathan’s paws brought down sharply against her ass that, yelping in surprise, that Brittany seemed to reset. “Yes Master.” She managed in a weak voice before she slowly unwrapped the candy and stuck it in her mouth.

“Good girl.” Nathan grunted, whispering in her ear yet again. “And if you think you’re wet now, imagine how you’ll feel when I’m fucking the shit out of you.”

Brittany whimpered with the lolly still in her mouth. If Nathan kept this up, maybe she wouldn’t take a Slim Instant on January 2nd after all…


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