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Jessie’s First Litter



“Oh… shit!” Jessie said in a hushed, shocked tone as realization hit her like a Mack truck.

From the moment Jessie had awoken that sunny yet cold winter morning she knew something was different, but couldn’t quite place her paw on what. It was only after she had yawned and stretched, her small yet razor sharp teeth glinting in that weak February sunlight, did she realize. The familiar yet strangely foreign sensation of an exhilarating tingle welling up between her legs, while her heart pounded in her chest like she was being chased.

Jessie was in heat.

Heat. It was when a female fur’s body was the most fertile, her biological clock loudly ringing with the need to breed. The instinctual drive to propagate the species that could overrule the former desires of even the most reluctant mother. It could cause plans, entire lives to change with one fateful night of passion.

She had been slow to recognize it, but Jessie knew full well about heat. Every female fur did, it was an inevitable necessity. Awkward conversations with your parents, giggle-filled sex ed classes with teachers, clinical conversations with doctors, whispered conversations with friends in the hall, and of course first hand experience. No matter if she wanted it or not, these were every young female fur’s introduction to womanhood, warts and all. Jessie had been a ‘late bloomer’, experiencing her first heat when she was fifteen years old. She could remember that week like it was yesterday, although there were certainly parts of it Jessie wished she could forget. Still, while thinking back about what a teenager she’d been during the ordeal, it had been fun as well. It had made her feel like a woman, especially when she and Brittany managed to sneak off for a bit of fun. That was a big advantage of growing up bisexual with a girlfriend, for some reason her parents never thought anything about the young feline’s bedroom door being locked for extended periods of time with another girl inside. Even if Jessie had always lusted after Brittany far more than any man, expect MAYBE Nathan.

Just because every fur-woman went through heat, however, didn’t mean they all experienced it the same way. In fact, it often seemed that Jessie’s heat struck a little differently every time she experienced it. Occasionally, it would slip past with Jessie barely noticing, yet linger. Other times it would hit hard and fast, rendering Jessie able to do little else but fuck and masturbate for days at a time. Despite these many variations, Jessie had thought she had experienced heat every way imaginable in her twenty-five years. Yet, this seemed different from any other time before. She was filled with a desire to fuck, yes. But there was something deeper that tugged on not just the reigns of her sex drive, but her desire for motherhood as well. Having children was something every woman had to think about and come to terms with; even if the answer was a resounding ‘hell no!’ Jessie had always thought that she would be a mother someday, although she felt no need to carry her children. Hell, before Nathan had entered Brittany and Jessie’s lives, the two girlfriends had lacked the means to do things biologically! Instead, Jessie always thought that she would adopt someday, when she was older and her life ‘settled’. Possibly around the age of 35?

Lately, however, something had changed. In fact, looking reflectively backward, Jessie would wonder if perhaps her heat had started long before she’d even realized. For the last couple of weeks, perhaps even months, thoughts of motherhood had never strayed far from her brain. While wondering why, two reasons came to Jessie’s mind.

For one, it was clear that Nathan was not a temporary addition to Brittany and Jessie’s relationship, as Jessie had first thought. It wasn’t that Jessie had thought he was the ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em’ type, actually, she had thought that Brittany would turn out to be the heartbreaker. Before the two huskies had first met during the throuple’s senior year of high school Brittany, having never met a man she was attracted to before, or since for that matter, had been a proud lesbian. Jessie knew many girls who often questioned their queerness, in a society that so frequently pushed for ‘normal’ even as it slowly opened up to other ways of living, it was sometimes hard not to question one’s self. Jessie had wrongly assumed that Nathan was a passing fascination for Brittany, and before long the husky and feline’s relationship would go back to being closed. However, Jessie had been wrong and, if anything it, it was Jessie who was sometimes on the outside looking in while Brittany and Nathan drew closer, and their relationship more serious. They planned to tie the knot early next year, which would make them husband and wife, while Jessie remained just a girlfriend. Jessie didn’t mind though, she’d never been the jealous type, and the situation offered her a great deal of freedom, which she found very much to her liking.

Second, Brittany had recently become a mother herself. About a year ago, she and Nathan had a beautiful set of twins name Ryan and Riley. Playing Auntie Jessie was fun, and the feline had delighted in watching the two canine pups grow into toddlers right before her eyes. But Jessie was finding it tough not to look into their green eyes they had both inherited from their father and not wonder about having children of her own.

These were the thoughts that dominated Jessie’s head as she laid there. Not the sexy, kinky fantasies that normally dominated her head while she was in heat. But those thought weren’t far away either. As she mused in her bed, the situation between her legs was quickly growing out of control, from a campfire to an uncontrolled inferno of lust. A longing, empty feeling to her loins the likes she had never felt before ached for Nathan. She squirmed in her bed with her hands shoved down her soaked panties, moaning, and wondered when the last time she had taken her heat suppressant. She realized she had fallen so far from her schedule she couldn’t even recall when her heat suppressant was next due. Even in her own head in that moment she questioned how accidental her ’slip of the mind’ had really been. Before now, she had always taken great care in keeping up with her heat suppressant tablets.

Heat suppressant was a gift to all fur kind, preforming double duty in managing the symptoms of heat and birth control. As fun as being constantly wet and horny could be, a girl still had a life to lead, after all. In fact, unlike many girls, Jessie didn’t even really care for how ‘horny’ her heat made her. She considered herself to have a perfectly happy sex life without the equivalent of a stick of TNT between her legs. Therefore, she loved having turned the constant, churning need that seemed to radiate up from her pussy at the bottom of her gut into a mere manageable throb. On this morning, however, without her heat suppressant, her arousal felt like a runaway train. No, check that. It felt like Chernobyl was strewing in her belly. She rolled over and buried her face into the pillow, that was a mistake. She got a supercharged dose of both Brittany and Nathan’s scent at the same time. Not that it made much difference. She was already so horny she could hardly see straight! Still, she rolled back over for the fresh air.

“Nathan… Nathan, I need you.” She moaned softly, even though she was the only one in the room. But then, as if on cue! Her big husky mate walked through that bedroom door, proving to be the savior to Jessie’s lustful plight.

“You called?” He asked with a cocky smile, his sizable cock already tenting the front of his pants.

Jessie sat bolt upright in bed, hand still shoved down the front of her panties, shocked by Nathan’s sudden appearance. The feline hadn’t been expecting her husky mate to be lurking right outside the bedroom when she had called out his name. She looked at him, speechless for a moment as her sluggish lust fogged mind attempted to process what was happening or what she should do next. Finally, she lifted a paw and beckoned Nathan forward with a seductive grin on her face, her tail swishing in the air.

“Come on, big boy.” She cooed.

Nathan didn’t need telling twice.

He lumbered into the room, his tail also wagging. As Nathan went he started shedding his clothing off one by one: t-shirt, jeans, shoes, all kicked to the side and easily discarded until he stood by the bed, towering above Jessie, in just his boxers. Ignoring the massive size difference between herself, she was more than used to it by now, the petite feline hooked her thumbs into the hem of the muscular canine’s boxers, letting his mammoth erection spring free. She cooed affectionately before wordlessly taking Nathan’s girth into her mouth. It was a stretch to fit it all inside, but the challenge was part of the fun! Her vibrant, purple eyes watered from the exertion as she stared up passionately up at Nathan, and she continued to touch herself through her panties, savoring the task at hand.

Jessie, unlike Brittany, didn’t consider herself much of a ‘size queen’. Men, she’d long decided, might be most easily measured with a ruler, but it was hardly what was important. Still, having said that, it didn’t hurt that Nathan had both, he didn’t just rely on the psyche that many men would have killed for in the bedroom. His gigantic package, a sight to behold, trigger some primal and barbaric response in Jessie’s brain. His rippling muscles and tall figure, confidence inspiring. The entire picture went along nicely with his kind and giving demeanor.

“Shit!” Nathan gasped as his cock head was engulfed by Jessie’s tight, warm mouth. It was quite the effort, but she bobbed her head steadily up and down, most teasing Nathan than trying to get him off. She would need his seed elsewhere in the not too distant future. In fact, she decided as much as she loved sucking Nathan’s dick, she could wait for the ‘big show’ no longer!

Jessie allowed Nathan’s cock to pop free from her maw with a loud, wet, slurping POP. She ran her rough tongue over his cock, swirling over his head as if it were an ice cream cone, one last flourish before the main show. “Sit.” She commanded sternly.

The command might have been seen as amusing by many, given the massive size difference between the two furs. One of his hands could effortlessly wrap itself around her waist. It was a miracle that Jessie and Nathan could even fuck, how did he not just treat her like a pocket pussy? Yet, Nathan again acted only with obedience. He quickly sat down on the edge of the bed as instructed.

Frankly, Nathan always found it a relief for someone else not to simply assume he was the one in command. Nathan had never been one to seek control, rather he preferred to let others lead. He needed neither the stress nor ego boost that others seemed to thrive from. However, that did not stop people from handing him control; presumably because he was so often head, shoulders, chest, and sometimes even hips taller than everyone else in the room. So, it was actually a relief to have someone else assume command.

The bed, even having supposedly been made to hold two furs the size and weight of Nathan and Brittany, seemed to loudly protest as Nathan sat down. It creaked under the strain, but Jessie ignored the sounds of the protesting mattress and jumped onto Nathan’s lap anyway. The small feline landed gracefully with one paw on each of his muscular thighs, although the painful image of her slipping and landing on Nathan’s balls instead filled his mind. He might have been super human, but that didn’t make him invincible! Especially to a good old nut shot. Luckily, Jessie’s aim was true and with her ass facing Nathan, she reached down towards his throbbing erection with one paw, guiding Nathan’s tip towards her aching, dripping pussy. Jessie was so wet that she wondered if they should have grabbed a tarp before they started to make love. It was too late now, however, Jessie would not let Nathan go until she was positive she was carrying his future children.

Jessie slowly sank, impaling herself on his cock. She engulfed it between her two wet pussy lips, but it was hardly effortless. In fact, it was quite the struggle. The sheer size difference between the two furs making the process of fucking Nathan rather laborious. But it was a labor of love for Jessie, who bit her lips while her eyes rolled back in her head with orgasmic bliss as Nathan so pleasurably stretched her out. For a while, the two furs engaged in silent companionship. Only the sounds of their passionate sex filling the room. Jessie wordlessly riding Nathan with only the occasional whimper or moan. Dirty talk was sexy, but there were times in Jessie’s opinion when words were insufficient. Actions were what mattered. Nathan, on the other paw, was speechless. He looked down and watched asJessie rode him harder and harder. Bouncing up and down desperately on his dick with an athleticism that boggled his mind. If this were a sport, she would be a gold medalist candidate, no question.

“Nathan!” She cried out without stopping her love making.

“Yes, Jessie?” He managed to respond with a pant.

“Please make me a mommy?” She pleaded.

The request took Nathan by surprise, he had known that Jessie had been thinking fa lot about motherhood lately, but he hadn’t quite realized just how serious she’d been. To be fair, not even Jessie had realized just how serious she had been. He didn’t object to being a father once more, but were they really ready for this? Hopefully, they were because just then Jessie did slip. Her legs had turned to jello and were no longer able to support even her tiny weight. A paw felt out from under her, and she collapsed against Nathan’s meaty member, impaling herself on his girthy manhood deeper than they had been yet that day. With his mammoth cock stretching her and her tiny pussy squeezing, milking his dick for all it was worth, they both busted off in unison, howling at the celling together while Nathan’s heavy balls unloaded into Jessie. Certainly, the heavy load knocking her up just like she had wanted, particularly without any heat suppressant to stand in the seed’s way.

An exhausted Jessie hung limply from Nathan’s cock, it was now time for him to take control. He gently lifted her from his softening penis, and lifted her back into bed. He laid next to her for a while, watching as her eyes slowly drifted off into sleep. Before she could pass out, however, she whispered to him.

“I love you, Nathan.” She mewled, a prideful smile on her lips. She was going to be a mommy, she could feel it.

“I love you too, Jessie.” He responded sweetly, running a single finger up and down her belly, wondering if she had meant what she said. If she would become pregnant.

“I think you knocked me up…” she giggled, as if reading his thoughts.

“Probably.” Nathan agreed with a faint smile of his own. The weight of fatherhood already starting to bear down on him, but Jessie’s happiness helped to ease it.

“I think we should try again in an hour or so… just to make sure.”

Nathan’s eyes grew wide, she really was serious about this whole motherhood thing. That, or she was still a little horny and just wanted to fuck again. Probably, Nathan realized, it was both. Either way, he decided that he would be happy to oblige her request. A smile now crossed his face as Jessie gently snored. He would soon be a father again.



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