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Theft, like any place of retail, is a problem for Lewd Brews. However, unlike most businesses Brittany has much more than RF tags or security cameras to protect her merchandise. All sorts of eldritch booby traps lie in wait for those that try and rip off the magical husky and her company. 

As a general rule Brittany doesn’t like punishing people that steal from her, she usually opts to try and help people solve the problems in their lives that led to theft in the first place. She’ll go as far to offer the would-be-thieves her magic apprehends jobs if they are willing to try and turn their lives around. Some people seem immune to her help, such as this unfortunate bull who was caught in one of Brittany’s magical traps.

[center][b]. . .[/center][/b]

Tim stood as inconspicuously as possible among the small group of shoppers. The bovine had attempted to steal from Lewd Brews on three previous occasions and had failed each time. Every failed attempt had been humiliating, wounding his pride as a successful shoplifter. He’d also been threatened with dire yet vague repercussions, having been warned under no uncertain terms to never return to Lewd Brews. Yet he remained undeterred. Each ignominy from his previous attempts had made him increasingly angry and more determined to get one up on that condescending bitch husky and her jock asshole security guard. He had swiped everything from everywhere! Pregnancy tests from the Dollar Tree to diamond rings from Kay there was no way some dumb canine bimbo with an overdevloped rack or that jack shit for brains bull would stand in his way. Worst thing they could do at the end of the day was call the cops, and while spending the weekend in jail before he could post bail would put a damper on his excellent week it’d amount to little more than more billable hours for his attorney. He would need to be a little more careful than usual, as should any of the store’s employees recognize him they would raise the alarm and ruin his plans!

This is why he was dressed up in a disguise, specifically a dress and large bushy wig he’d selected to hide his horns. He felt silly dressed up as a cow, but so far the plan seemed to be working! He’d already seen several employees, but so far none had raised the alarm. Now he could wander through the aisles of Lewd Brews, trying to decide what to pilfer today, although it didn’t really didn’t matter what he stole, just as long as he managed to get anything out the doors without paying for it! Yet… Tim felt a shiver run down his spine as he passed by some mannequins, for some reason he felt like he was being watched. He looked around nervously but the harmless plastic figures were the closest thing he saw to another person. He shook his head and took a deep breath… he was just paranoid. Nervous to finally steal something from the store and move on to his next mark but he needed to calm down and take it slow. Panicking was the best way to get himself in trouble! He took another slow, methodical lap of the store before he finally decided what to steal: a sexy pair of women’s panties and matching bra.

Tim didn’t exactly have much use for flirty, frilly, girly undies, but it wasn’t about their value. It was about what they represented; showing his superiority both to the assholes that ran this shitty store and thought they were smarter than he was, not to mention his fellow shoplifters. So far not a sole in town had gotten away with stealing so much as a cup of soda from the restaurant downstairs, and the ironic thing about the success of the Lewd Brews’ security system is it had actually attracted a certain type of criminal. For the petty thief successfully shoplifting from Lewd Brews would be like being the first to scale Mount Everest.  So even though he didn’t want the lingerie they happened to be in a desolated corner of the shop, one where there were no customers, employees, or even so far as he could tell security cameras to tattle on him. Best of all they even just so happened to coincide with his chosen disguise! So without paying much attention to the outfit he was grabbing he swiped a random garment from the rack and as quickly as he could without drawing undue attention to himself headed towards the exit.

Already brimming with the excitement of victory he had to stop himself from running away with his prize and drawing any undue attention to himself. However, as he passed by the mannequins which were posed almost as if they were guarding the exit that led back downstairs, he felt a nervous and unexplained prickle down his neck again. He looked up at the faces of the manquines, and even though he’d past the plastic figures a few times since entering the store this was the first time he’d paid any attention to them up close and now he noticed something that made his blood run cold. The plastic faces had a lot more detail than any other mannequins he’d ever seen before. He could see wrinkles on their pursed lips and noticed each carried a distinctive features highly distinguishable from the others. Each wore a sultry yet bored look as they stared blankly forward, yet while their painted on eyes where expressionless and vacant they were shocking, and unnervingly, life like! A female mannequin in front drew his attention in particular: modeled after a short human with a pear shape her wavy brunette wig, pretty face, with just a slightly hooked nose was unmistakably Jessica’s! 

Jessica had been a friend of his from high school, the two had developed a close bond between over their shared love of shoplifting and had even stolen from a few local stores together until a few months ago when she’d disappeared without a trace. The last time he’d seen her she’d told him she was going to try to rob Lewd Brews again but… he shook his head, he was being silly…paranoid even. It wasn’t possible that pseudo figurine was actually his missing friend… it was simply a coincidence, the paranoia of the job, or perhaps a combination of the two, this place was really starting to get to him. He shook his head and tried to step away but he suddenly realized that not only had his feet gone numb but they refused to respond to his commands. A bright light shining on the mannequins suddenly swiveled around that felt impossibly hot against his skin. He tried to lift his arms, to protect himself from the blind light, but again his numb body remained unresponsive. It was like someone had severed his spinal cord from the neck down. 

[I]I told you not to come back![/i] A menacing voice whispered in his ears.

Tim continued to struggle, but a mystic force he couldn’t understand or fight against still had a hold of him. All he could do was stare up into the painfully bright light that had nearly blinded him. Suddenly he found himself falling towards the floor and unable to throw his arms out to break his fall all he could was menally brace himself for the pain, but even as his helpless body clattered to the floor he felt nothing, even as one of his arms broke loose from his torso and scattered across the floor. It was then he realized, in horror, how Jessica had gone missing all those months ago and what had just happened to himself. His legs, no longer flesh and bone but hollow and lifeless, had been unable to support his weight anymore leaving his empty plastic husk to lay helplessly on the floor. His skin had turned to a cool, smooth, plastic shell while his hands toes and fingers had fused together. His clothes had also transformed, turning into a lingerie set just like the one he’d attempted to steal. If he was forced to model whatever it was he’d stolen he was grateful he hadn’t attempted to steal one of the store’s more sinister looking products: such as the hyper realistic life sized horse cock dildo. That was small comfort to Tim because, just like Jesscia the store’s anti theft magic had caught him and in the blink of an eye had stolen his humanity transformed him into nothing more than a mannequin staring at the floor while his vacant smile and lifeless gaze. 

[i]Can’t say we didn’t warn you![/i] the menacing voice returned to his ear as the light swiveled back around to once again illuminate the display… it would be the last time anyone would ever speak to him as if he was a human.

Tim had no idea how much time had passed while he laid sprawled out on the dirty ground, it felt like hours but he had the sinking suspicion it’d been only moments. A few customer’s happened by, stepping over him without a care in the world. No idea the plastic figure was a real… well “living” might have been too much of a stretch. But a person, with a family! It may seem like a steep price for a pair of painties, but Brittany had given him every opportunity to turn his life around. 

“What is this doing here?” One of the store’s employees rounded the corner, finally arriving to pick him up off the floor. She picked up the would be thief, placing Tim on his stand and snapping his arm back into place, joining him with his fellow mannequins in the display without any realization she was handling a real living human. Despite his metamorphosis Tim was painfully aware what was happening to him. The woman moved him with ease, quickly and efficiently posing him in a cutesy and inviting stance. He was so light and helpless he wasn’t sure how to process what was happening to him, but it was deeply humiliating and dehumanizing.

 Finally the woman stepped back. “There.” She said with a satisfied smile on her face, before turning with another frown towards the garment that Tim had dropped to the ground. “Ugh.” She sighed. “Why do people gotta be such assholes?” The employee walked away with the garment hanging over her arm, the last trace that Tim had ever been more than a plastic figurine on a store shelf, left to sweat it out under the bright lights and wonder what the hell had happened.  



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