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Hello everyone!
Thank you so much for your continuous support! It truly motivates me!
Here’s a summary of this month's main activities.


Launch of Tooo'n'Tween

I started the new Tooo'n'Tween series this month. Unlike the mature and realistic characters of the A.D.U.L.T.S. series, this series features adorable, youthful characters. This allows members to choose a series that best matches their preferences.

Tooo'n'Tween のローンチ

今月、新しい Tooo'n'Tween シリーズを開始しました。 A.D.U.L.T.S. の成熟した現実的なキャラクターとは異なります。シリーズでは、愛らしくて若々しいキャラクターが登場します。メンバーは自分の好みに最も合ったシリーズを選択できるようになりました。

Comming soon! Riko, Reika

Introduction of the 'Honey Dip' Tier

I have introduced a new tier called Honey Dip, where you can try out two character cards each month. These are characters that would normally be classified as back issues, ranging from A.D.U.L.T.S. to Tooo'n'Tween series, available for download only during that month.
Only a few days left this month to meet them! Please use the 'Honey Dip' filter to search for this month’s characters.

「Honey Dip」ティアの導入

Honey Dip という新しいティアを導入しました。このティアでは、毎月 2 枚のキャラクター カードを試すことができます。これらは、A.D.U.L.T.S. から Tooo'n'Tween シリーズまで、通常はバックナンバーに分類されるキャラクターで、その月のみダウンロードできます。今月は、彼女たちに会える日があと数日しかありません!今月のキャラクターを検索するには、フィルター「Honey Dip」を使用してください。

Tier Modifications

'$1 ENCOURAGE' and '$3 ENCOURAGE more' have been discontinued. There are two reasons for this: I want to improve the ease of understanding from the user's perspective, and I want to let people know about my activities. As mentioned above, I will continue to distribute realistic characters as the A.D.U.L.T.S. series in the 'A.D.U.L.T.S.' tier, and by clearly indicating which characters can be tried out in the Honey Dip tier, I have created an environment where you can try them out with peace of mind.


「$1 ENCOURAGE」と「$3 ENCOURAGE more」は廃止となりました。これには会員様視点でのわかりやすさを向上させたい、私の活動を知ってもらいたいという2つの理由があります。前述の通り、A.D.U.L.T.S.ティアではA.D.U.L.T.S.シリーズとしてリアルなキャラクターを今後も配信していきますし、Honey Dipティアではどのキャラクターがお試し可能かを明確に表示することで、安心してお試しいただける環境を整えました。

Publication Details

This month's character card releases are as follows:



A.D.U.L.T.S.: 6 characters (Kana Tashiro, Erina Eguchi, Hiroko, Naomi Yamaguchi, Hinano, and the upcoming release of Reina Nozawa.)

In A.D.U.L.T.S., I will provide mature women, older sister, and young girl characters, but I can't just post them randomly, so I'm thinking of conducting a survey about the direction of distribution. It's up to you, the member, to decide the direction of the release! Let's create the A.D.U.L.T.S. service together!

A.D.U.L.T.S.では熟女、お姉さん、少女キャラを提供していくのですが、ただ無作為に出すわけにもいかないので、配信の方向性についてアンケートを取ろうと思っています。 リリースの方向性を決めるのは会員のあなた次第です! 一緒にA.D.U.L.T.S.のサービスを作り上げていきましょう!

Tooo'n'Tween: 5 characters (Ebi (To), Shiori (Tw), Koroti (Tw), Ogu (To), Koroti2 (Tw))

I am encouraged by members who like the characters I post. This month, Shiori (Tw) received a like. Thank you! Shiori (Tw) is the character that triggered the start of the Tooo'n'Tween series, and I am delighted with the recognition. The Tooon characters are challenging to balance, and I am struggling with version updates like version 1.1, but I plan to continue providing them.


Webcomic Releases

I have released the first and second volumes of a series.



Mature Women Fill My Heart (1)

Mature Women Fill My Heart (2)

The webcomic, centered around mature women and "me," starts when the mother's friends visit his home. In a room filled with attractive mature women, "my" fantasies run wild, and then...




I have been accepting anonymous questions about this activity from March 28th to April 30th. We will continue to accept until the end, but you can also contact us via DM after it ends.



Feedback from Members

I have received inquiries from members about the MODs used. While we cannot redistribute MODs, if you cannot find a MOD, we will do our best to help you locate it.

I have also received valuable feedback on diversifying the ethnic backgrounds of the characters we create, which has inspired us to expand our skills. Thank you for your valuable feedback.

メンバーから、使用されているMODに関するお問い合わせをいただいています。 MODの再配布はできませんが、MODが見つからない場合は、探すお手伝いをさせていただきます。


That’s the summary for April.
I will continue to distribute attractive characters, so please continue to support HS2CC!

Thank you!





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