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みんなどうしてる?? キャラクターが独自の道を歩むとき

Hello everyone!


Today, I'd like to talk about something a little different. We all encounter unexpected discoveries and surprises in our creative processes, right? For instance, you might start a project with a specific image or idea in mind, but find it veering off in a completely different direction along the way.

今日は、少し違う話をしたいと思います。 創作の過程で予期せぬ発見や驚きに遭遇しますよね? たとえば、特定のイメージやアイデアを念頭に置いてプロジェクトを開始したものの、途中でまったく別の方向に逸れてしまうことがあります。

What I recently experienced was during the creation of a character card, I found myself deviating from the planned Japanese female character and ending up with a Black female character instead. You've had similar experiences, haven't you?


In my case, I named the character Cynthia, even though her completion level was only about 80%. I'm still undecided whether to keep her or delete her. There's no particular reason I chose the name Cynthia.

完成度は80%程度でしたが、「シンシア」と名付けました。 残すか削除するかまだ迷っています。 シンシアという名前に根拠は特にありません。

In such situations, how do you all handle it? Do you delete it? Store it for a while? Or take the plunge and share it publicly?

 削除? しばらく保管? それとも公開したり?

I wonder if it’s also a good idea to tweak and release some past characters who ended up taking their own paths, just like Cynthia.


I'm looking forward to your feedback! HS2CC




alexander magno

In my opinion it is a good idea to make characters from other ethnicities or countries, exploring and experimenting would give variation and freshness to what you do so I support the idea of ​​you making characters from other races and countries.


I am very happy to receive your opinion! As I've been studying and understanding the features of Japanese female faces, I've also become interested in exploring the characteristics of other ethnicities. I want to maintain a fresh perspective, so I plan to further refine the quality of Cynthia and other characters and release them, even if in a limited capacity, on A.D.U.L.T.S.