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Hello everyone! Let's take a moment to look back on our journey so far. I've put together a summary video covering our activities from the start up until March. Why not join me in revisiting some wonderful memories? Please take a look!

A huge thank you to all our supporters for being with us from the beginning. Looking forward to continuing this journey together!





032024 summary

Hello everyone! Let's take a moment to look back on our journey so far. I've put together a summary video covering our activities from the start up until March. Why not join me in revisiting some wonderful memories? Please take a look! A huge thank you to all our supporters for being with us from the beginning. Looking forward to continuing this journey together! ---- こんにちは!これまでの旅を振り返ってみましょうか。活動開始から3月までのサマリー動画を作成しました。一緒に楽しい思い出を振り返ってみませんか?ぜひチェックしてみてくださいね! サポートしてくださっているすべての皆さんに、心からの感謝を込めて。これからもよろしくお願いします!


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