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Here's a mix of stuff for you.

Some sketches from the game. I'm having some difficulty deciding on the main character's look. Working out the look of the setting.

The script for the first chapter of 'My mistress is a foot fetish succubus' is mostly done. I might change some details and wording, but that's more or less that. I'll send it to be proofread.

Some pages are more empty than others - not much dialogue going on in them. They're mostly visual. Especially the last one - we'll see Tarah in her full succubus form.

This first chapter will have 21 pages and be done in black and white.

This comic will be done slightly differently than the others. I'll first roughly sketch out all the pages. Since this is the first time I'm doing a coherent story, I want an overview of the entire thing. Then I'll refine certain pages and send them to be inked. The result is that the pages will not be finished in sequential order. Hopefully, this will cut time on production.



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